DM100i / DM200L Digital Mailing Systems
Operator Guide
FCC Part 15 Compliance
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with
the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the
FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protec-
tion against interference in a residential installation. This equipment
generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may
cause interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television recep-
tion, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,
the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one
or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from
that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
CAUTION: Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly
approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the
user’s authority to operate the equipment.
A shielded USB cable be must used with this equipment to ensure
compliance with the limits. Use of a unshielded cable is prohibited.
FCC Part 68 Compliance of the P700/P7L1 Modem
This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the
requirements adopted by the ACTA. On the back of this equipment is
a label that contains, among other information, a product identifier in
the format US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. If requested, this number must be
provided to the telephone company.
This equipment is designed to be connected to a Facility Interface
Code 02LS2 network with RJ11C network interface.
A plug and jack used to connect this equipment to the premises wir-
ing and telephone network must comply with the applicable FCC Part
68 rules and requirements adopted by the ACTA.
The ringer equivalence number (REN) is used to determine the
number of devices that may be connected to a telephone line.
Excessive RENs on a telephone line may result in the devices not
ringing in response to an incoming call. In most but not all areas,
the sum of RENs should not exceed five (5.0). To be certain of the
number of devices that may be connected to a line, as determined by
the total RENs, contact the local telephone company. The REN for
this product is part of the product identifier that has the format US:
AAAEQ##TXXXX. The digits represented by ## are the REN without
a decimal point (for example 03 is a REN of 0.3).
If this mailing machine causes harm to the telephone network, the
telephone company will notify you in advance that temporary dis-
continuance of service may be required. But if advance notice isn’t
practical, the telephone company will notify you as soon as possible.
Also, you will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC
if you believe it is necessary.
The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equip-
ment, operations, or procedures that could affect the operation of
the equipment. If this happens the telephone company will provide
advance notice in order for you to make necessary modifications to
maintain uninterrupted service.
If trouble is experienced with this equipment, please contact Pitney
Bowes (see page v) for phone contact for repair or warranty informa-
tion. If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the
telephone company may request that you disconnect the equipment
until the problem is resolved. This equipment is not intended to be
repaired by the customer (user).
Connection to party-line service is subject to state tariffs. Contact the
state public utility commission, public service commission, or corpo-
ration commission for information.
If the installation site has specially wired alarm equipment connected
to the telephone line, ensure the installation of this mailing machine
does not disable the alarm equipment. If you have questions about
what will disable alarm equipment, consult your telephone company
or a qualified installer.
For California Customers Only
The battery in this product contains perchlorate material. California
requires perchlorate containing products to be accompanied by the
following notice: Perchlorate Material - special handling may apply,
Go to:
This equipment is not intended to be serviceable. Please refer to the
warranty information if problems occur. Failed units will be withdrawn
by Pitney Bowes service engineers and returned to the U.S. Service
Center. For reference purposes, the U.S. Service Center contact ad-
dress is: Pitney Bowes Inc., 1 Elmcroft Road, Stamford, CT, 06926-
Pitney Bowes Contact List
Machine Identification
Product Name: DM100i Digital Mailing System
Model Number: P700
Product Name: DM200L Digital Mailing System
Model Number: P7L1
For support information:
To order PB supplies and accessories, go to: and click on Supplies
order by phone at 1-800-243-7824 (M-F 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM E.T.)
To view a list of your equipment, pay invoices online, or you have
questions about your Postage-by-Phone account go to: and click on My Account
For questions about your account or the product, call the Pitney
Bowes Customer Care Center at 1-800-522-0020.
To contact the United Stated Postal Service® (USPS), visit:
This page was put in as a placeholder only. This allows you to print this
entire guide in a duplex (double-sided) mode while keeping the proper
page positions.
Table of Contents
1 • Introduction
What's in this Guide ................................................................. 1-1
About Your Digital Mailing System........................................... 1-2
Postal Requirements................................................................ 1-3
Sections of the Meter Stamp.................................................... 1-4
What is IntelliLink™? ............................................................... 1-4
About PC Meter Connect ...................................................... 1-5
Other Sources of Information................................................... 1-5
Specifications........................................................................... 1-6
Equipment ......................................................................... 1-6
Material ............................................................................. 1-7
Important Safety Notes ............................................................ 1-8
Important Telephone Safety Instructions.................................. 1-9
2 • Getting to Know Your System
Parts of the Machine ............................................................... 2-2
Control Panel .......................................................................... 2-4
Connections on Back of Machine ............................................ 2-6
PC Meter Connect ................................................................. 2-7
3 • Running Mail
Home Screen........................................................................... 3-1
Checking Funds (Postage) Availability in Machine .................. 3-1
Applying Postage..................................................................... 3-2
Keying In the Postage Directly .......................................... 3-3
Entering Weight Manually ................................................. 3-4
Using the Weighing Platform (Scale)................................. 3-5
Using Differential Weighing...................................................... 3-6
Selecting an Account to Track Postage .................................. 3-8
Using the Batch Count Feature ............................................... 3-9
Viewing (Checking) the Batch Count................................. 3-9
Printing the Batch Count.................................................. 3-10
Clearing the Batch Count ................................................ 3-10
SV62214 Rev. A
Table of Contents
4 • Printing Options
Printing Options ....................................................................... 4-1
Sections of the Meter Stamp.................................................... 4-1
Printing a $0.00 Meter Stamp .................................................. 4-2
Auto-Advance of Printed Date for the Meter Stamp................. 4-2
Manually Changing Printed Date for the Meter Stamp ............ 4-2
Bypass All Printing and Seal the Envelope Only...................... 4-3
Omitting/Restoring Day or Date on the Meter Stamp .............. 4-4
Adding/Removing a Postal Inscription to Meter Stamp.............. 4-5
Adding/Removing an Envelope Ad to the Meter Stamp........... 4-6
Printing the Date and Time Only (no meter stamp).................. 4-7
Printing Ad, Date, and Time Only (no meter stamp) ................ 4-8
Adjusting Horizontal Print Position of Meter Stamp ................. 4-9
5 • Normal and Custom Presets
What is a Preset?..................................................................... 5-1
Why Should I Use Presets?..................................................... 5-1
Why Should I Always Include a USPS® “Class” in my Preset? 5-1
Normal Preset.......................................................................... 5-2
Viewing (and Selecting) the Normal Preset ...................... 5-3
Defining New Values for the Normal Preset ...................... 5-4
Custom Presets ....................................................................... 5-5
Selecting a Custom Preset................................................ 5-5
Defining a New Custom Preset ......................................... 5-6
Viewing (and Selecting) a Custom Preset ........................ 5-7
Editing a Custom Preset Name ......................................... 5-8
Deleting a Custom Preset.................................................. 5-8
6 • Adding Postage/Connecting to Data Center
Postage and Your Machine...................................................... 6-1
Establishing Communications Between Your Machine and the
Pitney Bowes Data Center....................................................... 6-1
Downloads from the Data Center to Your Machine ..................... 6-2
Using PC Meter Connect to Establish Communications with the
Data Center (Preferred Method) .............................................. 6-5
Using Analog Phone Line to Establish Communications with the
Data Center (Alternate Method)............................................... 6-6
SV62214 Rev. A
Table of Contents
Checking Funds (Postage) Availability in Machine .................. 6-7
Checking Your Postage by Phone® Account Balance............. 6-8
Adding Postage........................................................................ 6-9
Printing a Funds (Postage) Report .........................................6-11
Downloading Files or Updating System................................. 6-12
7 • System Options
System Options........................................................................ 7-1
Basic Options........................................................................... 7-3
Advancing the Date on the Machine.................................. 7-3
Setting the Machine to Today's Date ................................. 7-3
Adjusting the Contrast of the Display ................................ 7-3
Turning Features On and Off............................................. 7-4
Setting the Date, Time, and Timeouts ............................... 7-5
Setting Postage Values (Funds Warnings)........................ 7-8
Changing the Lock Codes and Passwords........................ 7-9
Setting Scale Options ......................................................7-11
Connecting to Data Center.............................................. 7-15
Advanced Options.................................................................. 7-20
Intra BMC ZIPs................................................................ 7-21
Change Language........................................................... 7-22
Meter Withdrawal (Withdrawing Postage Funds) ............ 7-22
Run Install Mode.............................................................. 7-24
8 • Departmental Accounting
Overview of the Accounting Feature........................................ 8-1
Activating Accounting and Setting Up Your Accounts .............. 8-2
Turning On Accounting............................................................. 8-4
Turning Off Accounting............................................................. 8-5
Turning On Account Passwords............................................... 8-6
Turning Off Account Passwords............................................... 8-7
Creating an Account................................................................. 8-8
Editing Account Names and Passwords .................................. 8-9
SV62214 Rev. A
Table of Contents
Selecting an Account ..............................................................8-11
Displaying Account Totals ...................................................... 8-12
Printing a Single Account Report ........................................... 8-13
Printing a Multi-Account Summary Report............................. 8-13
Clearing an Account............................................................... 8-14
Clearing all Accounts ............................................................. 8-15
Deleting an Account............................................................... 8-16
9 • Reports
Overview of Reports ................................................................ 9-1
Register Report (Funds Report)............................................... 9-2
Add Postage Report................................................................. 9-3
Single Accounts Report (Departmental Accounting)................ 9-4
Multi-Account Summary Report (Departmental Accounting) ... 9-4
Special Services Report........................................................... 9-5
Rates Summary Report ........................................................... 9-6
Configuration Report................................................................ 9-7
Error Report ............................................................................. 9-8
10 • Maintenance
Messages Indicating Ink Cartridge Replacement .................. 10-1
Printing a $0.00 Meter Stamp ................................................ 10-1
Replacing the Ink Cartridge ................................................... 10-2
Filling the Moistener............................................................... 10-4
Maintaining the Moistener...................................................... 10-5
Removing and Cleaning the Moistener Brush................. 10-5
Removing/Cleaning the Moistener Wick and Holder....... 10-7
Replacing the Print Head....................................................... 10-8
Running Print Tests.............................................................. 10-12
Test Print........................................................................ 10-13
Purge............................................................................. 10-14
Replacement of Print Head or Cartridge ....................... 10-15
SV62214 Rev. A
Table of Contents
11 • Troubleshooting
Getting Help............................................................................11-1
Messages on LCD Display......................................................11-1
Blank Display ..........................................................................11-1
Display Problems (display hard to read).................................11-2
Feeding Problems (stalled envelopes) ...................................11-2
Printing Problems....................................................................11-3
Moistening Problems (envelopes don't seal) ..........................11-4
Problems Connecting to the Data Center via Analog Line......11-5
Problems Connecting to the Data Center via the PC..............11-6
Problems Refilling Postage via the PC ...................................11-8
Accidentally Printing the Wrong Postage................................11-9
Viewing System Configuration Levels...................................11-10
12 • Supplies and Options
Supplies ................................................................................. 12-1
Options................................................................................... 12-1
Appendix A • How to Enter Text
Appendix B • Glossary
SV62214 Rev. A
Table of Contents
This page was put in as a placeholder only. This allows you to print this
entire guide in a duplex (double-sided) mode while keeping the proper
page positions.
SV62214 Rev. A
1 • Introduction
What's in this Guide
Chapter 1
Describes the key features of your mailing system and
provides material and equipment specifications. It also
includes important safety notes.
Chapter 2
Explains the purpose and shows the location of each
Getting to Know control and machine feature. Please read this section
Your System
carefully. It provides a foundation for the instructions in
later sections of this book.
Chapter 3
Running Mail
Explains how to process mail. The operations covered
here are the ones you'll use most often.
Chapter 4
Explains your printing options for incoming and outgoing
Printing Options mail.
Chapter 5
Explains the Normal and Custom Presets feature for
Normal and
Custom Presets
saving commonly-used settings on your machine
Chapter 6
Explains how to connect your system to the Pitney
Adding Postage Bowes Data Center so you can add postage and down-
/Connecting to
Data Center
load the latest postal rates and software to your meter
Chapter 7
Provides step-by-step instructions for customizing sys-
System Options tem operation to suit your own needs
Chapter 8
Provides instructions for setting up the optional account-
ing feature.
Chapter 9
Provides you with a description of reports you can print
on your system
Chapter 10
Explains how to check print quality and take care of the
ink cartridge and moistener.
Chapter 11
Explains how to fix common problems and tells you
Troubleshooting what error messages mean.
Chapter 12
Supplies and
Lists the supplies available for your mailing system and
explains how to order them. It also describes options that
add to the versatility of your mailing system and enhances
the productivity of your mailroom.
Appendix A
How to Enter
Explains how you enter text for postal codes, presets
and special characters.
Appendix B
Explains terms unique to the world of mailing
Helps you quickly locate topics within the book
SV62214 Rev. A
1 • Introduction
About Your Digital Mailing System
Your digital mailing system's advanced features include:
Space-saving, compact footprint
ENERGY STAR® compliant design lowers operating costs and
helps preserve the environment
Large, easy-to-read display shows system status and prompts
you through setup operations
Semi-automatic envelope feeding, transport, and auto-eject
Automatic date advance
Keyboard-selectable envelope ads and inscriptions
Convenient, one-button postage-adding via Postage By Phone®
Stacker neatly stacks finished envelopes
Ink jet printer provides clear, crisp imprints
Integrated weighing platform weighs mail pieces (optional)
Integrated rating feature calculates correct postage
Date and time stamp for use on incoming mail or on sensitive
Optional accounting feature tracks postage costs by department
Password protection limits access to authorized personnel
Full report printing capability provides hard-copy records of your
postage transactions
In-line moistener wets and seals envelopes (optional)
Ability to electronically download postage and software updates
quickly to your machine.
SV62214 Rev. A
1 • Introduction
Postal Requirements
The meter on your mailing machine is licensed by the United States
Postal Service (USPS®) and you must follow some basic requirements.
Mail must have the correct date and postage amount in the me-
ter stamp (indicia).
Metered mail must bear the ZIP Code location of the post office
where the postage meter (mailing machine) is registered.
If you move to another ZIP Code location, you must update the
ZIP Code by calling our Customer Care Center (see page v).
The USPS® requires a postal inspection of your machine every
120 days. This postal inspection requirement can be automati-
cally met by connecting to the Pitney Bowes Data Center to
check your Postage By Phone® meter payment account balance
or to add postage to your meter.
NOTE: If the interval between inspections is more than 90
days, your machine's display prompts "Inspection Due." If
the interval between inspections is more than 120 days, the
display prompts "Inspection Required." At this point, you
won't be able to use your mailing system until your system
is inspected. In either case, to satisfy the postal inspection
requirement, simply:
Follow the prompts on the "Inspection Due" screen or
Press Add Postage and select "Check PBP Account Bal-
ance" (which will not decrease or change the funds in your
Tape sheets are used to apply postage on mail pieces that are
too thick or too large to run through your machine. These sheets
must conform to postal specifications. For best performance, we
recommend Pitney Bowes tape sheets (see Chapter 12, Sup-
plies and page v for ordering information).
SV62214 Rev. A
1 • Introduction
Sections of the Meter Stamp
These are the sections that make up the meter stamp printed on
your mail piece.
Postage Value
Meter Serial
ZIP Code
Envelope Ad
Optional Printing
Required Printing
*required only for certain classes of mail
What is IntelliLink™?
Your mailing system takes full advantage of IntelliLink™, your digital
gateway to an entire suite of services and information that can move
your mail more efficiently and enhance your business performance.
IntelliLink™ technology gives you the ability to:
Add postage funds conveniently
You can add funds to your machine electronically via Pitney Bowes
Postage By Phone® (requires analog phone line or a Windows PC
with Internet connection).
Download Postal Rate Updates
The latest postal rates can be downloaded precisely when you need
Use USPS® Confirmation Services
You can take advantage of special services offered by the USPS®
such as Delivery Confirmation, Signature Confirmation, and Certified
Mail if you have this optional feature.
Add Features On Demand
You can easily download envelope ads, postal inscriptions, and op-
tional features such as departmental accounting.
Keep Your System Current
Electronic software download capability means you'll always have
the latest version of your machine's operating system.
SV62214 Rev. A
1 • Introduction
About PC Meter Connect
PC Meter Connect is software that allows you to connect your ma-
chine to the Pitney Bowes Data Center via a Windows PC with an
Internet connection. You can then perform postage refills and meter
updates quickly and conveniently, normally much quicker than using
the analog phone line option of the system.
The PC Meter Connect software installation CD and a USB cable
are included in your starter kit. You simply load the software into a
PC with an Internet connection (broadband, DSL, network, etc.) and
connect the USB cable between your meter and a Windows PC. See
Section 2 - Getting to Know Your System for more information on us-
ing PC Meter Connect .
NOTE: If you cannot use the CD provided, go to the support web
site for your model (as listed on page v). Navigate to the link to
download the PC Meter Connect software to your PC to install.
Before installing the PC Meter Connect software, make sure your
PC meets these minimum requirements:
Windows Vista, Windows XP, or Windows 2000 operating sys-
tems with the latest service packs
1.2 GHz processor
512 MB of RAM
administrative rights to install software
an Internet connection
Other Sources of Information
Other sources of information for your machine include:
The DM100i/DM200L Quick Reference Guide has condensed ver-
sions of many of the topics covered in this book. You can normally
store this handy guide in the front pull-out tray of the DM200L or
in the slot in the stacker tray of either the DM100i or DM200L.
The Pitney Bowes Contact List on page v, which provides helpful
websites and phone numbers.
SV62214 Rev. A
1 • Introduction
Base Model 8.5" (215 mm) H x 13.6" (345 mm) W
x 15.4" (390 mm) D
With Scale 8.8" (224 mm) H x 13.6" (345 mm) W
x 15.4" (390 mm) D
With Scale and Moistener 8.8" (224 mm) H x 28.5"
(724 mm) W x 15.4" (390 mm) D
10.75" (273 mm) H x 14.75" (375 mm) W x 16.25"
(215 mm) D
DM100i 15 lbs. (6.8 kg)
DM200L 17.5 lbs. (8 kg)
Power Requirements 100-240 VAC, 50/60Hz. .65-3A
1 USB; 1 RJ-11.
40°F (4°C) to 108°F (42°C)
LCD Display
4 lines, 20 characters long
DM100i Up to 30 letters per minute
DM200L Up to 40 letters per minute
Actual throughput will vary, depending on the mate-
rial used, machine condition, use of moistener, etc.
Print Resolution
Print Image Area
Ink Cartridge Life
600 x 400 dpi
At least 1" (25.4 mm) x 6-5/8" (170 mm)
Up to 3,000 impressions without an envelope ad.
Actual ink yields vary with usage, graphics printed
and environmental conditions.
Tape Sheets
Self-adhesive type, dual tape sheets (Pitney Bowes
Part Numbers 612-9 and 620-9) for use on mail
pieces that are too thick or too large to run through
your machine.
Internal Envelope Ad Up to 20
Internal Postal
Inscription Storage
Up to 20
Maximum Imprint
SV62214 Rev. A
1 • Introduction
Material (see figure below)
Minimum Size
5" x 3" (127 mm x 76 mm)
Maximum Size
15" x 13" (381 x 330 mm)
7/8" (22 mm)
Minimum Flap Depth
Maximum Flap Depth
Minimum Thickness
Maximum Thickness
3" (76 mm)
0.007" (0.18 mm)
3/8" (9.5 mm)
Maximum Stack Height for Mail 2.5" (60 mm)
IMPORTANT: For best results, always make sure your material
conforms to these specifications.
SV62214 Rev. A
1 • Introduction
Important Safety Notes
Follow the normal safety precautions for all office equipment.
Please read all instructions before you attempt to operate the
system. Save these instructions for future use.
Use the power cord supplied with the machine and plug it into
a properly grounded wall outlet that's located near the machine
and easily accessible. Failure to properly ground the machine
can result in severe personal injury and/or fire.
The power cord wall plug is the primary means of disconnecting
the machine from the AC supply. The unit is on whenever it is
plugged into a live receptacle, even though the operator display
may be blank.
Place the mailing machine base close to an easily accessible
wall outlet. DO NOT use a wall outlet controlled by a wall switch
or one that is shared with other equipment.
Do not use an adapter plug on the line cord or wall outlet.
Do not remove the ground pin from the line cord.
Make sure the area in front of the wall outlet into which the ma-
chine is plugged is free from obstruction.
DO NOT route the power cord over sharp edges or trap it be-
tween pieces of furniture. Make sure there is no strain on the
power cord.
To reduce the risk of fire or electrical shock, DO NOT attempt to
remove covers or disassemble the control panel or its base. The
cabinet encloses hazardous parts. If you should drop or other-
wise damage the unit, call Pitney Bowes.
Keep fingers, long hair, jewelry and loose clothing away from
moving parts at all times.
Keep your hands out of the ink cartridge refill holder.
Avoid touching moving parts or materials while the machine is in
use. Before clearing a stall (jam), be sure machine mechanisms
come to a complete stop.
When removing stalled material, avoid using too much force to
protect against minor personal injury and damage to the equip-
Use the equipment only for its intended purpose.
Always follow the specific occupational safety and health
standards prescribed for your workplace.
SV62214 Rev. A
1 • Introduction
Important Safety Notes
Do not place lighted candles, cigarettes, cigars, etc., on the
mailing machine.
To prevent overheating, do not cover the vent openings.
Use only Pitney Bowes approved ink, tape strips, and cleaners. If
you need Material Safety Data Sheets on the supplies for OSHA
requirements, please contact your local Pitney Bowes representative.
CAUTION: In case of an ink spill, leaking ink or
excessive ink accumulation, immediately disconnect
the power cord from the wall plug and contact Pitney
Bowes. See the page v for contact information.
Important Telephone Safety Instructions
The machine connects directly to analog telephone lines. For your
protection, basic safety precautions should always be followed to
reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and injury to persons. These
safety precautions include:
WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire, use only the 26
AWG telecommunication line cord supplied with your
mailing machine.
Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.
Disconnect the system's telephone line during a lightning storm.
Avoid using a telephone or equipment that connects to a tele-
phone line during an electrical storm; there may be a remote risk
of electrical shock from lightning.
Do not use the telephone or equipment connected to the tele-
phone to report a gas leak if the telephone is in the vicinity of the
Never install telephone jacks in wet locations.
Do not use this product near water, for example, near a bath tub,
wash bowl, kitchen sink or laundry tub, in a wet basement or
near a swimming pool.
Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the
telephone line has been disconnected at the network interface.
SV62214 Rev. A
1 • Introduction
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entire guide in a duplex (double-sided) mode while keeping the proper
page positions.
SV62214 Rev. A
2 • Getting to Know Your System
This page was put in as a placeholder only. This allows pages 2-2 and
2-3, and 2-4 and 2-5, to be viewed or printed side-by-side for easier use.
SV62214 Rev. A
2 • Getting to Know Your System
Parts of the Machine
SV62214 Rev. A
2 • Getting to Know Your System
Parts of the Machine
Item Part
Control Panel
Allows you to enter and set up information on
your machine (see next page for details)
Top Cover
Opens up to allow replacement of the ink car-
tridge (see Chapter 10, Maintenance)
Allows you to weigh a mail piece (your system
can then calculate postage based on the service
Lights green when your system is on; lights or-
ange when your system is in "sleep" mode
Stacker Tray
Utility Slot
Allows the neat stacking of finished mail pieces
Allows you store the Quick Reference Guide,
tape strips, etc. for easy access.
Transport Re-
lease Lever
(two position
Home - transport rollers engaged for processing
mail (normal)
Released - transport rollers disengaged so you
can clear a stalled mail piece
NOTE: The machine won't process mail
when the lever is left in the released posi-
Feed Deck
Supports your envelope, post card or tape sheet
as it passes under the printer mechanism
Applies sealing fluid to the envelope flap (you
can seal envelopes or leave them unsealed,
depending on how you feed them)
Storage Drawer Holds your USPS® Confirmation Services and
(DM200L only) USPS® Return Receipt labels when used
SV62214 Rev. A
2 • Getting to Know Your System
Control Panel
Control Panel
Item Part/Key
Screen Selection Allows you to select an option (◄) on the
screen with the corresponding key
LCD Display
Shows the current status of your system and
prompts you through all operations
Page Up/Page
Down (Scroll
Allows you to scroll up and down through menu
choices (when lit, it indicates more choices)
Lock/Power Key
Allows you to power up or power down machine.
If the lock code feature has been enabled, you
can either power down the machine or put the
machine into lock-down mode. In lock-down
mode, access to the machine requires entering
a four-digit lock code.
Yes/Enter and
No Keys
Allows you to confirm an operation or answer
“Yes” or "No" to a prompt (the Yes key also
functions as the Enter key for data entry)
Allows you to type in numbers and letters for
account names, postage values, and other in-
formation (see Appendix A, How to Enter Text)
SV62214 Rev. A
2 • Getting to Know Your System
Control Panel
Item Part/Key
Feature Keys
Allows you quick access to the key features on the
Takes you back to the Home (date/postage) screen
Normal Preset Allows you to recall settings that contain the most
commonly printed postage value you use in your
home or office (see Chapter 5, Normal and Custom
Custom Preset Allows you access to up to five or ten custom set-
tings that you can assign values such as postage
amount, ad, account number, etc. (see Chapter 5,
Normal and Custom Presets)
Allows you to check your postage funds and num-
ber of mail pieces processed (see Chapter 6, Add-
ing Postage)
Add Postage
Allows you to add (refill) postage funds to your ma-
chine conveniently (see Chapter 6, Adding Postage)
Allows you to generate reports for postage, ac-
counting, and other types of data (see Chapter 9,
Allows you to weigh and calculate postage based
on service selected (see Chapter 3, Running Mail)
Allows you to access system setup information
such as date, time, postage, accounts, passwords,
etc. (see Chapter 7, System Options)
Print Menu
Allows you access to all the information printed on
a mail piece such as date, time, postage, ad, in-
scriptions, etc. (see Chapter 3, Running Mail)
IMPORTANT: When you press one of the Feature keys, any entry
in the preceding screen is lost unless you have first pressed the
Yes/Enter key to confirm the entry. For example, if you entered
an account name on one screen and then immediately pressed
another Feature key, the account name will not be recorded by the
SV62214 Rev. A
2 • Getting to Know Your System
Connections on Back of Machine
Item Part
Phone Jack
Allows you to connect to an analog phone line
via a standard RJ-11 phone plug (supplied) so you
can download postage and software updates to
your machine (see Chapter 6, Adding Postage)
USB Port
Allows you to connect your machine to a Win-
dows PC that is connected to the Internet so you
can download postage and software updates
quickly to your machine (see PC Meter Connect
section on next page).
Connects to AC power cord (supplied)
Back of Machine
SV62214 Rev. A
2 • Getting to Know Your System
PC Meter Connect
PC Meter Connect is a feature that allows you to do postage refills
and meter updates quickly and conveniently using your PC's Internet
connection. Internet connection is normally much quicker than using
the analog phone line option (see also Chapter 6, Adding Postage).
You simply load the PC Meter Connect software from the CD
included in your starter kit into a Windows PC with an Internet con-
nection (broadband, DSL, network, etc.) and connect a USB cable
between your meter and a PC. After installation, a shortcut icon for
PC Meter Connect displays on your PC desktop and an icon ap-
pears on the system tray, usually in the lower right corner of your
desktop screen (see figures below).
PC Meter Connect Icon in System Tray
Thereafter, the program is loaded in the background automatically
when you boot up your computer. You will know this by seeing the
PC Meter Connect icon in the system tray.
NOTE: No screens or windows display when you click the desktop
shortcut icon. However, if the PC Meter Connect software was
not running for some reason (you'll know this when you don't see
the PC Meter Connect icon in the system tray), clicking on the
desktop icon will restart the software. Alternately, you may click on
the Start button > All Programs > Pitney Bowes > PC Meter Con-
nect. A PC Meter Connect icon will then appear in system tray.
Several messages display from PC Meter Connect icon in the system tray:
"Meter detected" displays when you connect your meter to the PC
(after it had been disconnected).
"Meter is not detected" displays when you disconnect your meter
from the PC. The red "x" stays on the icon thereafter.
SV62214 Rev. A
2 • Getting to Know Your System
PC Meter Connect
If you right-click on PC Meter Connect™ icon in the system tray, you
can access several options for the PC Meter Connect™ software.
Options Screen for
PC Meter Connect™
Right Click on PC Meter Connect™
Icon in System Tray
Update PC Meter Connects you to a Pitney Bowes website for the latest
version of the PC Meter Connect software
Internet Settings... Allows you to change your Internet settings for best
operation with PC Meter Connect (see Chapter 11
Troubleshooting for more details)
About PC Meter
Lists the PC Meter Connect software version
About Your Meter Displays whether or not the meter is connected to
your PC; also allows access to a PDF version of this
Operator Guide
Contact Us
Provides email and phone number information to
contact Pitney Bowes
Exits the program (to restart, simply click on the PC
Meter Connect desktop icon)
SV62214 Rev. A
3 • Running Mail
Home Screen
When you power up your system, the Home screen appears on the
operating display. If your system has been set up to require a lock
code or password, you are prompted to enter it.
A typical Home screen is shown below (your screen may vary slightly
depending on the options you may have on your machine):
mmm dd yy
◄ACCT: Name
◄CLASS: None
(lit key indicates
more menu choices)
◄SCALE: 0lb 0.0oz
Checking Funds (Postage) Availability in Machine
It is a good idea to check the amount of funds (postage) in your me-
ter before running your daily mail.
1. Press Funds.
2. The funds left, used, and pieces processed display.
Total Pieces
Available – the amount of funds (postage) left in your meter
Used – the total of all postage ever used in the meter
Total Pieces – the total number of mail pieces run through the
meter that had postage applied
3. Press Clear (back arrow key) or Home to return to Home
SV62214 Rev. A
3 • Running Mail
Applying Postage
There are several ways you can apply postage using your mailing
Key in the postage directly from the keyboard when you already
know the amount
Enter the weight of the mail piece manually and have the system
calculate the postage amount using the system's internal rating
Place the mail piece on the integrated weighing platform and
have the system calculate the weight and then postage amount
using the system's internal rating feature
Each method is described in its own section that follows.
NOTE 1: Use tape sheets to apply postage for large pieces and
parcels that can't be run through the machine (see Chapter 12,
Supplies and Options for ordering tape sheets). Feed the tape
sheets into the machine the same way you would feed an enve-
lope. Apply the postage tape sheets on the mail piece or parcel.
NOTE 2: The system allows you to enter either a ZIP code or a
Zone number for those USPS® classes and services that require
a destination entry (e.g., Priority class over 1 lb.). When prompt-
ed to enter a destination in these cases, you may either key in
the one-digit Zone number (0-8) and select "This is a Zone" or
key in the 5-digit ZIP code and select "This is a ZIP Code".
SV62214 Rev. A
3 • Running Mail
Keying In the Postage Directly
1. From the Home screen, enter the postage using the numeric
keys. Do not enter the decimal point.
2. Press Yes/Enter to confirm the amount.
mmm dd yy
◄ACCT: Name
◄CLASS: None
◄SCALE: 0lb 0.0oz
3. If using the moistener, place flap along moistener and move to-
wards the right.
4. Place the envelope up against the registration wall of the system
and slide it to the right until the system grasps it. The system
prints the meter stamp and ejects the envelope/tape sheet
SV62214 Rev. A
3 • Running Mail
Entering Weight Manually
This procedure can be used when you already know the weight of a
mail piece and you are not using the integrated weighing platform.
1. Press Weigh/Rate.
2. Select “Enter Manual Weight”.
0 lb 0.0oz
Place mail on scale
◄Enter manual weight
◄Diff. weighing
3. Key in pounds and select “Set Pounds” (maximum is 70 lbs.).
4. Key in ounces and select “Set oz and Continue”.
5. Select the desired class by pressing the key next to the class
name (use the scroll keys to see additional classes).
6. If there is no value next to the class name, more information
is needed. Follow the prompts for the options and/or services
available for this class of service. The last screen is usually "Ser-
vices" and lists special services such as COD and Insurance.
NOTE: If you are unsure if a particular class is valid for your
mail piece, call your local post office or visit
7. Select "Done" when finished entering all the class options and fees.
8. If using the moistener, place flap
along moistener and move towards
the right.
9. Place the envelope up against the
registration wall of the system and
slide it to the right until the system
grasps it. The system prints the me-
ter stamp and ejects the envelope/
tape sheet.
SV62214 Rev. A
3 • Running Mail
Using the Weighing Platform (Scale)
1. Make sure scale is activated (you will see “0lb. and 0.0oz” next
to the "Scale" on the display). See Chapter 7, System Options to
turn your scale on if necessary.
2. Place mail piece on scale. The weight of the mail piece will ap-
pear on the top-line of the display and valid classes and rates for
this weight are displayed.
0 lb 2.3 oz
◄1st Class
◄Pkg Service
3. Select the desired class by pressing the key next to the class
name (use the scroll keys to see additional classes).
NOTE: If you are unsure if a particular class is valid for your
mail piece, call your local post office or visit
4. If there is no value next to the class name, more information is
needed. Follow the prompts for the options and/or services avail-
able for this class of service. The last screen shows "Services"
and lists special services such as COD and Insurance.
5. Select "Done" when finished entering all the class options and fees.
6. If using the moistener, place flap
along moistener and move towards
the right.
7. Place the envelope up against the
registration wall of the system and
slide it to the right until the system
grasps it. The system prints the me-
ter stamp and ejects the envelope/
tape sheet.
SV62214 Rev. A
3 • Running Mail
Using Differential Weighing
Differential weighing is an optional feature that allows you to place
multiple items on the scale, remove one item at a time, rate that
item, and put postage on it. This is repeated until you have finished
all of the items on the scale. This procedure is usually done when
you have multiple mail pieces with different weights but all using the
same class for rating.
1. Press Weigh/Rate.
2. Select “Diff. weighing”.
0 lb 0.0oz
Place mail on scale
◄Enter manual weight
◄Diff. weighing
3. Place the items on the scale.
4. Select the desired class by pressing the key next to the class
name (use the scroll keys to see additional classes).
5. If there is no value next to the class name, more information
is needed. Follow the prompts for the options and/or services
available for this class of service. The last screen is usually "Ser-
vices" and lists special services such as COD and Insurance.
NOTE: If you are unsure if a particular class is valid for your
mail piece, call your local post office or visit
6. Select "Done" when finished entering all the class options and fees.
7. Remove one item from the scale.
Remove one mailpiece
xlb. x.xoz
8. A ready to print postage screen displays, which includes the rating
class you've chosen and piece weight of the item removed.
mmm dd yy
◄ACCT: Name
◄CLASS: xxxxxxx
◄PIECE: xlb x.xoz
SV62214 Rev. A
3 • Running Mail
Using Differential Weighing
9. If using the moistener, place flap
along moistener and move towards
the right.
10. Place the envelope up against the
registration wall of the system and
slide it to the right until the system
grasps it. The system prints the me-
ter stamp and ejects the envelope/
tape sheet.
11. The same screen from Step 7 appears.
Remove one mailpiece
xlb. x.xoz
Repeat steps 7 -10 for each item that needs postage.
12. When you have removed the last item from the scale, the "LAST
ITEM" screen displays.
◄Rate this item
◄Exit Diff. Weighing
Rate this item – select this option if you want to rate the last
piece removed. A ready to print postage screen displays.
Follow Steps 8-11 above. The Home screen displays when
you are done.
Exit Diff. Weighing – select this option if you want to exit this mode
without rating the last item. The Home screen displays.
Continue – select this option if you want to continue rating more
items with the same rate. A "Place mail on scale" screen dis-
plays. Follow Steps 7-11 above to continue.
SV62214 Rev. A
3 • Running Mail
Selecting an Account to Track Postage
The Departmental Accounting feature allows you to track postage by
account. See Chapter 8, Departmental Accounting, for information on
setting up this feature.
1. From Home screen, press the selection key next to ACCT: line to
display the Accounts menu.
2. Select "Select an account"
◄Select an account
◄Create an account
◄Delete an account
3. The "Select an Account" screen displays (a sample is shown be-
low). Press Page Down to see more choices (if lit). To select an
(Use keypad)
- None
- Sales
A. You may either key in the first digit of the account number if
you know it and press Yes/Enter, OR
B. Use the appropriate selection key next to the arrow.
4. If a password has been assigned to this account, you will be
prompted to enter one. Key in the 4-digit password if necessary.
5. You return to the Home screen with the name of the account
listed (the example below shows "Sales" as the account chosen).
mmm dd yy
◄ACCT: Sales
◄CLASS: None
◄SCALE: 0lb 0.0oz
SV62214 Rev. A
3 • Running Mail
Using the Batch Count Feature
Your system has the ability to keep track of batches of mail if desired.
You may use this feature to track the amount of mail going out per
day, per week, per month, etc. The system stores the postage value
and piece count information in a "batch register". You can view and
print the batch register values at any time. You can also clear/ reset
the batch register to zero when necessary.
Viewing (Checking) the Batch Count
1. Press Funds.
2. Press Page Down.
3. The display shows the batch information (a sample screen is
shown below).
Ct l Sum
Batch Value
Batch Count
◄Clear batch values
Batch Count – the number of mail pieces that had postage ap-
plied since the last time the batch count was cleared
Batch Value – the amount of postage applied since the last time
the batch value was cleared
4. Press Clear (back arrow key) or press Home to return to the
Home screen.
SV62214 Rev. A
3 • Running Mail
Printing the Batch Count
1. Press Funds.
2. Press Page Down twice and select "Print Funds Report".
3. At the "Please insert envelope or tape sheet to print report"
prompt, place the envelope/tape sheet up against the back wall of
the system and slide it to the right until the system grasps it. The
Funds Reports is printed and the envelope/tape strip is ejected.
JAN 07 08
$464 . 270
$000 . 000
Batch Count:
Batch Value:
Total Pieces: 735
$464 . 270
Control Sum: $464 . 270
PBP Serial No.: 0011969
Used – the total of all postage ever used in the meter
Available – the amount of postage left in the meter
Total Pieces – the total number of mail pieces run through the
meter that had postage applied
Control Sum – the total of all postage refills for the meter. It equals
the amount Used plus Available funds. This is a postal requirement
that verifies an accurate accounting of postage in your machine.
Batch Count – the number of mail pieces that had postage ap-
plied since the last time the batch count was cleared
Batch Value – the amount of postage applied since the last time
the batch value was cleared
PBP Serial No. – serial number of this meter (normally meter
4. Press Home to return to the Home screen.
Clearing the Batch Count
IMPORTANT: Make sure you really want to clear the batch count;
once you do, you can't restore the data.
1. Press Funds.
2. Press Page Down and select "Clear batch values".
3. At the "Confirm Clear" prompt, press Yes/Enter to confirm. The
batch value and batch piece registers return to zero
4. Press Home to return to the Home screen.
SV62214 Rev. A
4 • Printing Options
Printing Options
There are various printing options available when processing mail
through the system. You can:
Bypass all printing and seal the envelope only
Omit day or date when printing a meter stamp
Add a postal inscription to the meter stamp
Add an envelope advertisement to the meter stamp
Adjust the horizontal print position of the meter stamp
Print the time and date only (no meter stamp)
Print an ad, time and date only (no meter stamp)
Many of these options are available by pressing Print Menu and
selecting your choice (see below).
◄Seal Only
◄Date & Time Only
Page (lit key indicates more
◄Ad Only
menu choices)
◄Ad, Date & Time
◄Omit day/date/other
◄Horiz. print pos.
Sections of the Meter Stamp
These are the sections that make up the meter stamp printed on
your mail piece.
Postage Value
Meter Serial
ZIP Code
Envelope Ad
Optional Printing
Required Printing
*required only for certain classes of mail
SV62214 Rev. A
4 • Printing Options
Printing a $0.00 Meter Stamp
If you want to check the ink imprint (meter stamp) on your machine,
you can generate a $0.00 meter stamp for this purpose. At the Home
screen, simply press Zero, then press Yes/Enter, and slide an enve-
lope (or tape sheet) through the machine.
Auto-Advance of Printed Date for the Meter Stamp
The system is set from the factory to automatically advance the print-
ed date on the meter stamp (as well as its internally held date) when
the system time reaches 12:00 AM. However, you may change the
time of day when the auto-advance of the date occurs (see Chapter
7, System Options for more information).
Manually Changing Printed Date for the Meter Stamp
You may want to advance the date printed on the meter stamp if it is
after normal business hours and you want to prepare outgoing mail
for a future business day's mailing.
Changing the printed date does not change the meter's inter-
nally held date.
You can always return the printed date to the current date.
You cannot change the printed date to a date earlier than the
meter's internally held date (in an effort to "backdate" the mail).
1. Press Options.
2. Select “Advance the date”.
3. Displays current date in MM DD YY format. You may either:
A. Select “Add one day” to advance date one day for each
pressing of the key.
B. Key in a number (in US from 1-30) representing the number
of days you want to advance the date, then select “Add x
days (1-30)”.
4. Select “Continue”. The new date now shows in the Home screen.
5. To set the date on your mail back to the current date, press
Options and select “Set to todays date”.
SV62214 Rev. A
4 • Printing Options
Bypass all Printing and Seal the Envelope Only
If using the moistener with pre-addressed envelopes, you can set up
your mailing system to seal envelopes without printing a meter stamp
on them.
1. Press Print Menu.
2. Select "Seal Only".
◄Seal Only
◄Date & Time Only
◄Ad Only
The "Seal Only- No Printing" screen appears.
3. Place flap along moistener and move towards the right.
4. Slide the envelope to the right until the system takes hold of it.
The system seals and ejects the piece.
5. Select “Exit Seal Only” when finished to return to the Home
SV62214 Rev. A
4 • Printing Options
Omitting/Restoring Day or Date on the Meter Stamp
For most mailings, you normally print the date as part of the meter
stamp. However, for certain classes of mail, you may want to turn off
the date. Call your local post office or visit for fur-
ther information.
1. Press Print Menu.
2. Press Page Down and select “Omit day/date/other".
◄Ad, Date & Time
◄Omit day/date/other
◄Horiz. print pos
3. Select either "Omit the day" or "Omit the date".
◄Omit the day
◄Omit the date
4. You will return to the Home Screen and either the day or date will
not display or print on the meter stamp.
Day Omitted
Dec - - 08
◄ACCT: None
◄CLASS: None
0lb 0.0oz
Date Omitted
- - - - - - -
◄ACCT: None
◄CLASS: None
0lb 0.0oz
NOTE: If you want to restore the day or date, do Steps 1
and 2 above, but select "Restore the day" or "Restore the
date which will now display in Step 3.
SV62214 Rev. A
4 • Printing Options
Adding/Removing a Postal Inscription to Meter Stamp
The postal inscription that prints on the meter stamp is a separate
setting from the postal class you have chosen to rate your mail
piece. The two normally should match for your mail piece. However,
changing one on your meter does NOT automatically change the
other. You need to change each in their separate settings (see Chap-
ter 3, Running Mailing for changing the postal class for rating).
1. From Home screen, press Page Down to second screen and
select "Insc.”
◄AD: None
◄Insc: None
2. Select “Select an Inscript”.
3. You may either:
A. Key in the inscription number and press Yes/Enter.
B. Scroll through inscriptions and then select the inscription.
4. You return to the Home screen with the name of the inscription
listed on the second screen.
Downloading a Postal Inscription into Your Machine
Your system comes pre-loaded with certain postal inscriptions. If you
want another postal inscription, contact Pitney Bowes (see page v). In-
scriptions can be purchased and downloaded directly into your meter.
NOTE: Your inscription must be purchased and the machine must be
connected to Pitney Bowes Data Center for this download procedure.
1. From Home screen, press Page Down to second screen and
select "Insc.”
2. Select “Install an Inscript.”.
3. Select "Connect now". The system connects to the Pitney Bowes
Data Center (this may take a few moments). Various screens
display, letting you know the status of the process.
4. After connection is made and the download has completed, a
message stating so displays. Select "OK".
5. You return to the Home screen. Follow the procedure "Adding/
Removing a Postal Inscription to the Meter Stamp" above to se-
lect your new inscription.
SV62214 Rev. A
4 • Printing Options
Adding/Removing an Envelope Ad to the Meter Stamp
1. From Home screen, press Page Down to second screen and
select “AD:”.
◄AD: None
◄Insc: None
2. Select “Select an Ad”.
3. You may either:
A. Key in the ad number and press Yes/Enter.
B. Scroll through ads and then select the ad.
4. You return to the Home screen with the name of the account
listed on the second screen.
Downloading an Envelope Ad into Your Machine
Your system comes pre-loaded with several envelope ads. If you
want another envelope ad, contact Pitney Bowes (see page v).
Ready-made items can be purchased and downloaded directly into
your meter. We can also work with you to create custom ads.
NOTE: Your ad must be purchased and the machine must be con-
nected to Pitney Bowes Data Center for this download procedure.
1. From Home screen, press Page Down to second screen and
select "AD.”
2. Select “Install an Ad”.
3. Select "Connect now". The system connects to the Pitney Bowes
Data Center (this may take a few moments). Various screens
display, letting you know the status of the process.
4. After connection is made and the download has completed, a
message stating so displays. Select "OK".
5. You return to the Home screen. Follow the procedure "Adding/
Removing an Envelope Ad to the Meter Stamp" above to select
your new ad.
SV62214 Rev. A
4 • Printing Options
Printing the Date and Time Only (no meter stamp)
You may want to use this feature to time-stamp incoming mail or sen-
sitive documents.
1. Press Print Menu.
2. Select "Date & Time Only".
◄Seal Only
◄Date & Time Only
◄Ad Only
The "Date and Time Only - No Postage Printing" screen appears.
3. Place the envelope up against the
registration wall of the system and
slide it to the right until the system
grasps it. The system prints the time
and date and ejects the envelope/
tape sheet.
NOTE: Make sure you orient the
mail piece so the date and time
prints on a blank section of the
mail piece.
4. Select “Exit Date and Time” when finished to return to the Home
SV62214 Rev. A
4 • Printing Options
Printing an Ad, Date, and Time Only (no meter stamp)
You may want to use this feature in conjunction with selecting the
"Received" envelope ad to time-stamp incoming mail or sensitive
1. Press Print Menu.
2. Press Page Down and select "Ad, Date & Time".
◄Ad, Date & Time
◄Omit day/date/other
◄Horiz. print pos.
3. The "Print Ad, Date & Time" screen appears.
If you have already an envelope ad set as part of your meter
stamp, that ad is listed on the display next to the "Ad" selec-
tion. If this is the correct ad, continue with step 4.
If you need to change the ad, or select one if none was
chosen, select "Ad", then select "Select an Ad". Choose an
ad from the list provided. You return to the "Print Ad, Date &
Time" screen.
4. Place the envelope up against the
registration wall of the system and
slide it to the right until the system
grasps it. The system prints the ad,
time and date, and ejects the enve-
lope/tape sheet.
NOTE: Make sure you orient the
mail piece so the date and time
prints on a blank section of the
mail piece.
5. Select “Exit Ad Date & Time” when finished to return to the Home
SV62214 Rev. A
4 • Printing Options
Adjusting Horizontal Print Position of Meter Stamp
You may need to adjust slightly the left/right print position of the me-
ter stamp on a mail piece.
1. Press Print Menu.
2. Press Page Down and select “Horiz. print pos.”
◄Ad, Date & Time
◄Omit day/date/other
◄Horiz. print pos.
3. Key in the print distance from the right edge of the envelope to
the meter stamp (from 3-24 mm).
4. Press Yes/Enter to return to the Print Menu.
SV62214 Rev. A
4 • Printing Options
This page was put in as a placeholder only. This allows you to print this
entire guide in a duplex (double-sided) mode while keeping the proper
page positions.
SV62214 Rev. A
5 • Normal and Custom Presets
What is a Preset?
A preset is very similar to a “shortcut” on your computer. It recalls a
setting that already contains the postage class, the postage value,
fees for special service such as Delivery Confirmation, and possibly
other values.
Your machine has two types of presets, Normal and Custom; and
they actually work the same way. The Normal Preset is simply the
“most frequently used” preset, and contains the values that always
appear on your machine when it is first powered on or after it awak-
ens from a "sleep" mode. Generally, Custom Presets contain more
postal parameters than the Normal Preset, and are used less frequently.
Why Should I Use Presets?
Presets save you time and headaches. The major advantage of a
preset is that it only requires one button press (Normal Preset) or
three quick button presses (Custom Presets) to select all the values
for a particular mail piece. You don’t have to concern yourself with
individually selecting the class, or a special service, etc. All that infor-
mation is automatically contained in the preset.
The Normal preset is generally set to the most commonly printed
postage value you use in your home or office. Many of our customers
choose to set the Normal preset for First Class Letter, since that is
the cost of mailing a 1-ounce, First Class letter.
Why Should I Always Include a USPS “Class” in my
The advantage of including class is that you never have to modify
your presets when the United States Postal Services (USPS®) issues
a rate change. Your new Pitney Bowes rates software will take care
of all of this automatically, behind the scenes.
If you define your Normal Preset to be just a value (e.g. $0.42) but
no class, however, your machine has no way of updating this value
when new rates become effective. In this case, it is your responsibil-
ity to manually update your preset (e.g. from $0.42 to $0.44) when
the rates change. By using a class in the Preset, you can avoid po-
tentially incorrect values being applied to your mail that may result in
mail being returned to you by the USPS®.
SV62214 Rev. A
5 • Normal and Custom Presets
Normal Preset
Your Normal Preset as shipped from the factory uses these settings:
No postage value, No inscription chosen, No Ad chosen, Printing Date,
and No Pre-Set Postage (Key-in). These settings can be changed.
You cannot delete the Normal Preset.
You cannot modify the name of the Normal Preset.
There is no option to "edit" the Normal Preset, but you can
define new values for the Normal Preset based on the current
condition of the machine.
The Normal preset displays after you turn on your machine or
after you activate the machine from "sleep" mode.
Preset postage values are subject to the high value warning
feature. This feature warns you when you manually key in a
postage value that is higher than your typical value (see Chap-
ter 7, System Options) to help prevent you from accidentally
printing an incorrect postage value.
When a rate change become effective, always check the post-
age values assigned to all presets to make sure that they com-
ply with the new rates.
SV62214 Rev. A
5 • Normal and Custom Presets
Viewing (and Selecting) the Normal Preset
1. Press Custom Preset.
2. Press Page Down.
3. Select "View Preset". The display lists all presets.
4. Select "Normal Preset" (it should be the first preset on the list).
The first screen of defined values for Normal Preset is listed.
Press Page Down to see the remainder of the defined values.
NOTE: The number of screens and the values displayed may
vary, depending on the options used for your preset and the
options installed on your machine.
0-Normal Preset
1st Cl Ltr
0-Normal Preset
Date print:
Key In
0-Normal Preset
Horiz Pos:
5. When you press Page Down to the last screen, you have a choice:
0-Normal Preset
◄Select this preset
A. If you want to use the Normal Preset as is, select "Select this
preset". You return to the Home screen with the Normal
Preset chosen (using the values just shown).
B. Select "Continue" to return to the View a Preset screen.
SV62214 Rev. A
5 • Normal and Custom Presets
Defining New Values for the Normal Preset
To define new values (change the settings) for the Normal preset:
1. Establish the proper settings on the machine (such as No Ad,
$.42 postage, a specific class, etc.) that you want the preset to
2. Press Custom Preset.
3. Select "Define Normal Preset".
4. You will be prompted if all current values are correct:
A. If you press Yes/Enter, the new values are saved and you
return to the Custom Presets menu.
B. If you press No, the system will display the current values.
Press Page Down to see the remainder of the current values.
NOTE: The number of screens and the values displayed
may vary, depending on the options used for your preset
and the options installed on your machine.
Current Values
1st Cl Ltr
Current Values
Date print:
Key In
Current Values
Horiz Pos:
Current Values
5. Select "Continue" at the last screen to return to the first screen in
step 4, and save the current values as the Normal preset, or press
Home to return to the Home screen to establish the proper settings
(see step 1).
SV62214 Rev. A
5 • Normal and Custom Presets
Custom Presets
The machine can store up to 10 Custom Presets. Press Custom
Preset to access the Customer Preset menu:
◄Select Preset
◄Define New Preset
◄Define NormalPreset
◄View Preset
◄Delete Preset
◄Edit Preset Name
Preset postage values are subject to the high value warning
feature. This feature warns you when you manually key in a
postage value that is higher than your typical value (see Chap-
ter 7, System Options) to help prevent you from accidentally
printing an incorrect postage value.
When a rate change becomes effective, always check the post-
age values assigned to all presets to make sure that they com-
ply with the new rates.
Selecting a Custom Preset
1. Press Custom Preset.
2. Select "Select Preset". The display lists all presets created on
your system. A sample list is shown below.
◄1 Preset 1 First Class
◄2 Preset 2 Parcels
◄3 Preset 3 Priority
3. Press Page Down to see additional choices (if available).
4. Select the preset you want to use. You return to the Home
screen with the preset values chosen.
SV62214 Rev. A
5 • Normal and Custom Presets
Defining a New Custom Preset
To define (create) a new Custom Preset:
1. Establish the proper settings on the machine (such as No Ad, $.42
postage, an account, etc.) that you want the preset to contain.
2. Press Custom Preset.
3. Select "Define New Preset".
4. You will be prompted if all current values are correct.
A. If you press Yes/Enter, the system will prompt for the name of
this preset. Key in a name for the preset. It can be up to twelve
alpha/numeric characters long. To access alpha characters,
repeatedly press the appropriate number key until the desired
character displays. When finished, select "OK". The new val-
ues are saved and you return to the Custom Preset menu.
B. If you press No , the system will display the current values.
Press Page Down to see the remainder of the defined value.
NOTE: The number of screens and the values displayed may
vary, depending on the options used for your preset and the
options installed on your machine.
Current Values
1st Cl Ltr
Current Values
Date print:
Key In
Current Values
Horiz Pos:
Current Values
5. Select "Continue" at the last screen to return to the correct
values prompt in Step 4, or press Home to return to the Home
SV62214 Rev. A
5 • Normal and Custom Presets
Viewing (and Selecting) a Custom Preset
1. Press Custom Preset.
2. Press Page Down.
3. Select "View Preset". The display lists all presets.
4. Select the preset you want to view. The first screen of defined
values for the Custom Preset is listed. Press Page Down to see
the remainder of the defined values.
NOTE: The number of screens and the values displayed may
vary, depending on the options used for your preset and the
options installed on your machine.
1-Preset 1 First Class
1st Cl Ltr
1-Preset 1 First Class
Insc: None
Date print:
Key In
1-Preset 1 First Class
Horiz Pos:
5. When you press Page Down to the last screen, you have a choice:
1-Preset 1 First Class
◄Select this preset
A. If you want to use this Custom Preset as is, select "Select
this preset". You return to the Home screen with this Custom
Preset chosen (using the values just shown).
B. Select "Continue" to return to the View a Preset screen.
SV62214 Rev. A
5 • Normal and Custom Presets
Editing a Custom Preset Name
You may change the name of a preset if you want.
1. Press Custom Preset.
2. Press Page Down and select "Edit Preset Name".
3. The display lists all the Custom Presets. Select the preset you
want to edit.
4. The system will prompt for the new name of this preset. Key in
the new name for this preset. It can be up to twelve alpha/nu-
meric characters long. To access alpha characters, repeatedly
press the appropriate number key until the desired character
5. When finished, select "OK". You return to the Custom Preset
6. Press Home to return to the Home screen.
Deleting a Custom Preset
Deleting a preset removes all the values assigned to it and removes
it from the Preset Menu.
IMPORTANT: Once you delete a preset, its values are gone. You
can't recover a deleted preset.
1. Press Custom Preset.
2. Press Page Down and select "Delete Preset". The display lists
all presets.
3. Select the preset you want to delete.
4. At the prompt to clear the Preset, press Yes/Enter. The preset is
5. The system confirms that the preset has been deleted. Select
"Continue". You return to the Custom Preset menu.
6. Press Home to return to the Home screen.
SV62214 Rev. A
6 • Adding Postage/Connecting to
Data Center
Postage and Your Machine
Postage is stored internally in your meter. When you need to add
more, you simply establish communications between your meter
and the Pitney Bowes Data Center, and specify the amount of post-
age you wish to download. The postage is electronically sent to your
meter from your Pitney Bowes Postage By Phone® meter payment
You must establish a Pitney Bowes Postage By Phone® meter pay-
ment account and have funds available in it before you can down-
load the funds (for postage) to your meter. There are several ways
you can arrange to have funds put in your Postage By Phone® me-
ter payment account (send in a check, direct withdrawal, establish
credit, etc.). See the Pitney Bowes Contact List on page v to call for
further information.
Establishing Communications Between Your Machine
and the Pitney Bowes Data Center
You can establish communications between your meter and the
Pitney Bowes Data Center in two ways:
Install the PC Meter Connect™ software on a Windows PC that
has Internet access and connect a USB cable between your me-
ter and the PC (both the software and cable are supplied in your
starter kit). See page 6-5 and follow the prompts in the PC Meter
Connect™ software.
If you do not have access to a Windows PC with Internet access,
you may connect the meter to an analog phone line (see page 6-6).
NOTE: Postage refills and updates are usually much slower
using an analog line than using a PC with PC Meter Connect
software installed.
For printing postage, the meter does not have to be connected to
the Pitney Bowes Data Center. However, if you need to access the
Data Center on a frequent basis (say, for checking your Postage By
Phone balances or for adding funds), you may keep the meter in a
"ready-to-connect" state on a permanent basis (either to a PC if using
the PC Meter Connect™ software or to an analog phone line).
SV62214 Rev. A
6 • Adding Postage/Connecting to Data Center
Downloads from the Data Center to Your Machine
When you connect to the Pitney Bowes Data Center to add postage
or perform other transactions, the Data Center may activate other
downloads while the machine is connected. If some type of soft-
ware/postal update or download is available, a message stating so
If a download is not mandatory, you will be prompted with either
“Get Update now” or “Skip; Get later”. Select the one that makes
sense to you at that time.
If a download is mandatory, only “Get Update now" displays and
you must perform the download.
After the download has completed, a message stating so displays.
If you need to reboot the system, the prompt "Restart now" dis-
plays. Select this to restart the system.
If no rebooting is necessary, simply select "Continue" to return to
the Home screen.
While the meter is processing a download from the Pitney Bowes
Data Center, do not disconnect the analog phone line, USB cable,
or power from the meter.
Wait until the meter has finished processing before disconnecting
the meter. You will know this has occurred when the meter's Home
screen showing postage and date displays.
The following downloads/activities may occur when your system is
connected to the Pitney Bowes Data Center:
System/Software Update
If there has been an important update to the software that runs your
system, you will be notified that a required update is necessary.
Envelope Ads/Postal Inscriptions
If you ordered new envelope advertisements or postal inscriptions,
you will be notified that you can perform a download to obtain these.
SV62214 Rev. A
6 • Adding Postage/Connecting to Data Center
Downloads from the Data Center to Your Machine
Upload Pending Electronic USPS Confirmation Service Records
If you are using the optional USPS® Confirmation Services feature,
your services records can be uploaded to USPS® for processing. See
Pitney Bowes publication SV61156 for more information on this option-
al feature. Visit our website (see page v) and enter "SV61156" in the
search box on the home page to locate and view this document.
Postal/ZIP Code Update
If the Postal Code on record at the Pitney Bowes Data Center does
not match the Postal/ZIP Code of your system, the code will be
downloaded into your system. (When a system is moved to a new
Postal Code, the Data Center enters the new code into the record. The
system is updated when a connection is made to the Data Center.)
Postal Inspection
The USPS® requires a postal inspection of your machine every 120
days. This postal inspection requirement can be automatically met
by connecting to the Pitney Bowes Data Center to check your Post-
age By Phone® meter payment account balance or to add postage to
your meter.
NOTE: If the interval between inspections is more than 90 days,
your machine's display prompts "Inspection Due." If the interval
between inspections is more than 120 days, the display prompts
"Inspection Required." At this point, you won't be able to use
your mailing system until your system is inspected. In either
case, to satisfy the postal inspection requirement, simply:
Follow the prompts on the "Inspection Due" screen, or
Press Add Postage and select "Check PBP Account Bal-
ance" (which will not decrease or change the funds in your
SV62214 Rev. A
6 • Adding Postage/Connecting to Data Center
Downloads from the Data Center to Your Machine
Postal Rate Update
Postal rates change periodically by the USPS®. If new rates are avail-
able, you can download them quickly and easily directly from the Pitney
Bowes Data Center. The new rates are normally available for download
at least seven days before the effective date. Once the effective date
has been reached (or passed), you have to download the new rates.
The display tells you when a Rate Change update is complete. It
also tells you if the update is immediate or takes effect at a later date
by listing the new date.
NOTE: If you decide to take the update and the rates go into
effect in the future, you will not be printing postage at the new
rates until the effective date is reached.
If the rate for a First Class letter has changed and is effective imme-
diately, a screen displays showing the present preset postage and
asks you if you want to reset the normal preset postage. Press Yes/
Enter. A screen displays for you to enter the new rate.
NOTE: When a Rate Change update takes place it may also af-
fect other presets you have set in your mailing machine. You
must check all your presets to insure that they conform to the
new rates. See Chapter 5, Normal and Custom Presets for in-
structions on changing preset values.
As part of downloading the new rates, we recommend that you print
the last rates update report (see figure below) when prompted.
System will begin using new rates on the date effective.
US Rates
C .01
F .02
DEC 06 07
MAY 12 08
Meter No.:
Downloaded: SEP 10 08 11:59A
Printed: SEP 10 08 12:05P
Description – the specific type of rate that is affected
Version – the alpha-numeric identifier used for this rate
Effective Date – the date the new rate takes effect
Meter No. – the serial number of this meter
Downloaded – the date and time the new rates were downloaded
into the machine
Printed – the date and time this report was printed
SV62214 Rev. A
6 • Adding Postage/Connecting to Data Center
Using PC Meter Connect to Establish Communications
with the Data Center (Preferred Method)
Using the PC Meter Connect™ software, you can do postage refills and
meter updates quickly and conveniently using your PC's Internet con-
nection, normally much quicker than using the analog phone line option.
You simply load the PC Meter Connect software from the CD
included in your starter kit into a Windows PC with an Internet con-
nection (broadband, DSL, network, etc.) and connect a USB cable
between your meter and a PC. After installation, a shortcut icon for
PC Meter Connect displays on your PC desktop and an icon ap-
pears on the system tray, usually in the lower right corner of your
desktop screen (see figures below).
PC Meter Connect Icon in System Tray
Thereafter, the program is loaded in the background automatically
when you boot up your computer. You will know this by seeing the
PC Meter Connect icon in the system tray.
NOTE: No screens or windows display when you click the desktop
shortcut icon. However, if the PC Meter Connect software was
not running for some reason (you'll know this when you don't see
the PC Meter Connect icon in the system tray), clicking on the
desktop icon will restart the software. Alternately, you may click on
the Start button > All Programs > Pitney Bowes > PC Meter Con-
nect. A PC Meter Connect icon will then appear in system tray.
Several messages display from PC Meter Connect icon in the system tray:
"Meter detected" displays when you connect your meter to the PC
(after it had been disconnected).
"Meter is not detected" displays when you disconnect your meter
from the PC. The red "x" stays on the icon thereafter.
SV62214 Rev. A
6 • Adding Postage/Connecting to Data Center
Using Analog Phone Line to Establish Communications
with the Data Center (Alternate Method)
If you do not have a Windows PC available with Internet access, you
may establish communications to the Pitney Bowes Data Center using
an analog phone line. The following are usually analog phone lines:
Fax lines
Residential phone lines
Lines used by modems or credit card readers
Plug the telephone line (supplied) into the connector on the back
of the meter (see Chapter 2, Getting to Know Your System). Use a
dedicated analog phone line if possible (one that is not shared with
other devices) to avoid possible issues.
Phone systems installed in some businesses are not analog
and may damage your system. If you are unsure about your
phone line, contact your telephone company or local network
If you have a DSL line and want to connect your meter using
the analog phone jack on the back for the meter, you should
install a DSL filter obtained from your DSL provider before con-
necting the meter.
While the meter is processing a download from the Pitney
Bowes Data Center, do not disconnect the analog phone line,
USB cable, or power from the meter. Wait until the meter's
main screen showing postage and date displays before discon-
necting and moving the meter.
Postage refills and updates are usually much slower than using
the PC Meter Connect™ software with a PC.
SV62214 Rev. A
6 • Adding Postage/Connecting to Data Center
Checking Funds (Postage) Availability in Machine
It is a good idea to check the amount of funds (postage) in your me-
ter before running your daily mail.
1. Press Funds.
2. The funds left, used, and pieces processed display.
Total Pieces
Available – the amount of funds (postage) left in your meter
Used – the total of all postage ever used in the meter
Total Pieces – the total number of mail pieces run through the
meter that had postage applied
3. Press Clear (back arrow key) or Home to return to Home
SV62214 Rev. A
6 • Adding Postage/Connecting to Data Center
Checking Your Postage By Phone® Account Balance
You can check your Postage By Phone® account balance at any
time, as long as your system is connected to Pitney Bowes Data
NOTE: The Postage By Phone® account balance represents the
funds in your account, not the amount in your meter.
1. Press Add Postage.
2. Select “Check PBP balance”.
◄Add $xx
◄Add another amount
◄Check PBP balance
3. The system connects to the Pitney Bowes Data Center (this may
take a few moments). Various screens displays, letting you know
the status of the process.
4. The Prepaid and Other balances displays. Press No.
PBP Balance
Add postage? (yes or no)
Prepaid – the amount you have prepaid in your Postage By
Phone® account balance (by sending in a check, using your
credit card, etc.)
Other – the amount you have on credit on your Postage By
Phone® account balance (by signing up to one of the various
Pitney Bowes credit programs such as Purchase Power, etc.)
If there are no updates for your system, you will return to the
Home screen. If there are updates available, the display notifies
you of this fact.
SV62214 Rev. A
6 • Adding Postage/Connecting to Data Center
Adding Postage
You can add postage to your machine any time you need to, as long
as you have enough funds in your Postage By Phone® account and
your system is connected to the Pitney Bowes Data Center.
1. Press Add Postage.
2. You may select “Add $xx” to add the amount shown.
Select “Add another amount”. Key in the amount, in whole dol-
lars, that you want to add and select “Continue”.
◄Add $xx
◄Add another amount
◄Check PBP balance
NOTE 1: The minimum amount of postage you can add is $1.
NOTE 2: The amount shown in the "Add $xx" selection line
represents the amount of postage you added the last time.
3. The system connects to the Pitney Bowes Data Center (this may
take a few moments). Various screens display, letting you know
the status of the process.
4. The Amount Added and Available balances displays.
Receipt? (Yes or No)
Amount Added – the amount of the postage downloaded into the
Available – the amount of postage available to use in the meter.
This represents any balance you had in the meter before adding
postage, plus the refill amount.
SV62214 Rev. A
6 • Adding Postage/Connecting to Data Center
Adding Postage
5. If a receipt is desired, press Yes/Enter and insert envelope/tape
sheet through machine (see sample below) OR press No or
Home to return to the Home Screen.
Account No: 17907023
Refill: OCT 23 08 11:38A
Refill Amount: $100.000
Meter No.: 3167354
OCT 23 08
Funds Available in Meter: $115.000
Prepaid: $935.780
Additional Funds Available: $000.000
Refill – the date and time the new postage was added to your
Refill Amount – the amount of the new postage you downloaded
into your machine
Funds Available in Meter – the amount of postage available to
use in the meter. This represents any balance you had in the
meter before adding postage, plus the refill amount.
Prepaid – the amount you have prepaid in your Postage By
Phone® account balance (by sending in a check, using your
credit card, etc.)
Additional Funds Available – the amount you have on credit on
your Postage By Phone® account balance (by signing up to one
of the various Pitney Bowes credit programs such as Purchase
Power, etc.)
Account No. – your Postage By Phone® account number
Meter No. – the serial number of this meter
SV62214 Rev. A
6 • Adding Postage/Connecting to Data Center
Printing a Funds (Postage) Report
A funds report allows you to print a record of how much postage has
been used and how much is remaining in the machine.
1. Press Funds.
2. Press Page Down to the third screen.
◄Check PBP balance
◄Print Funds Report
3. Select "Print Funds Report".
4. At the insert envelope or tape sheet prompt, insert an envelope
or tape sheet into the machine. The machine prints the funds
report (see sample below).
5. Press Clear (back arrow key) or Home to return to Home
JAN 07 08
$464 . 270
$000 . 000
Batch Count:
Batch Value:
Total Pieces: 735
$464 . 270
Control Sum: $464 . 270
PBP Serial No.: 0011969
Used – the total of all postage ever used in the meter
Available – the amount of postage left in the meter
Total Pieces – the total number of mail pieces run through the
meter that had postage applied
Control Sum – the total of all postage refills for the meter and equals
the amount Used plus Available. This is a postal requirement that
verifies an accurate accounting of the postage in your machine.
Batch Count – the number of mail pieces that had postage ap-
plied since the last time the batch count was cleared
Batch Value – the amount of postage applied since the last time
the batch value was cleared
PBP Serial No. – serial number of this meter (normally meter number)
SV62214 Rev. A
6 • Adding Postage/Connecting to Data Center
Downloading Files or Updating System
Use the "Uploads & Downloads" option when you need to manually:
Perform USPS® meter inspections
Restart an interrupted download
Download postal inscriptions, envelope ads, meter software up-
dates, or rate updates
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down to the third screen.
3. Select "Connect-Data Center".
◄Postage Values
◄Connect-Data Center
4. Select "Uploads & Downloads".
◄Uploads & Downloads
◄Phone Parameters
◄Distributor Values
5. The system connects to the Pitney Bowes Data Center (this may
take a few moments). Various screens display, letting you know
the status of the process.
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
System Options
System options allow you to customize the machine to be configured
to your organization's unique needs.
Basic options include:
Advancing the date on the machine
Setting the machine to the current (today's) date
Adjusting the Contrast (of the display)
Turning Features On or Off (if installed on machine)
Setting Date, Time, and Timeouts
Setting Postage Values (Funds Warnings)
Setting Lock Code and Passwords
Scale Options (accessed from the Home screen)
Connecting to Data Center
Most of the basic system options are accessed by pressing Options
and selecting your choice from the menu as shown below. The one
exception is Scale settings, which is accessed by the Scale selection
key at the Home screen.
◄Advance the date
◄Set to todays date
◄Adjust the Contrast
◄Turn items ON/OFF
◄Time and Timeouts
◄Postage Values
◄Connect-Data Center
◄Advanced Features
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Advanced options include:
Manage USPS® Confirmation Delivery Records. See Pitney
Bowes publication SV61156 for more information on this optional
feature. Visit our website (see page v) and enter "SV61156" in
the search box on the home page to view this document.
Maintenance Mode (see Chapter 10, Maintenance)
Intra BMC ZIPs (bulk mail center designations used in pre-sort-
ing certain classes of mail)
Change Language
Meter Withdrawal (for withdrawing postage funds)
Run Install Mode
The advanced options are accessed by pressing Options and se-
lecting "Advanced Features", which displays a menu of options as
shown below.
◄Manage Conf Records
◄Maintenance mode
◄Change Language
◄Meter Withdrawal
◄Run Install Mode
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Basic Options
Advancing the Date on the Machine
NOTE: You can only advance the date for your mail, you can
never “backdate” mail to a date prior to the current date.
1. Press Options.
2. Select “Advance the date”.
3. Displays current date in MMM DD YY format (for US). You may
Select “Add one day” to advance date one day for each
pressing of the key.
Key in a number (in US from 1-30) representing the number
of days you want to advance the date, then select “Add x
days (1-30)”.
4. Select “Continue”. The new date now shows in the Home screen.
5. To set the date on your mail back to the current date, press Op-
tions and select “Set to todays date”.
Setting the Machine to Today's Date
1. Press Options.
2. Select “Set to todays date". You will be returned to the Home
screen with the current (today's) date set.
Adjusting the Contrast of the Display
1. Press Options.
2. Select "Adjust the Contrast".
3. Select "Increase Contrast" or "Decrease Contrast" to change the
contrast level as necessary.
◄Increase Contrast
◄Decrease Contrast
█ █ █ █ █ █
4. Press Clear (back arrow key) or Yes/Enter to return to the Op-
tions menu.
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Turning Features On and Off
You can turn on and off several features on your machine.
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down.
3. Select "Turn items ON/OFF".
4. Depending on the options available, you may have one or more
features listed.
◄Account Passwords
◄Auto Rating
◄Special Services
◄Preset Class Lookup
5. Select the feature you want to turn on or off. You will be prompt-
ed to turn the feature ON or OFF, depending on the current state
of the machine.
Accounting - this turns on or off the Departmental Accounting
feature (see Chapter 8, Departmental Accounting).
Accounting Passwords - this turns on or off the requirement
for operators to enter passwords when choosing a depart-
mental account if accounting passwords are set up (see
Chapter 8, Departmental Accounting).
Auto-Rating - this turns on or off the auto-rating feature,
which calculates the postage amount for a mail piece based
on the weight, the class, and services selected.
Special Services - this allows you to customize prompts for
the USPS® Confirmation Services feature. Items include:
Prompt Receipt - turns on or off the prompt to print a receipt
after uploading your USPS® Confirmation Services records
Upload Records - turns on or off the prompt to upload your
USPS® Confirmation Services records
Records Warning - turns on or off the prompt that notifies
you when a specified number of USPS® Confirmation Ser-
vices records has been reached in your system. Key in a
number between 1 and 200, and press Yes/Enter.
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Turning Features On and Off
Preset Class Lookup - this turns on or off the prompt for a
class when you are saving a preset that has no class listed
(also known as "key-in postage").
6. Depending on the features chosen, you may need to press Clear
(back arrow key) to return to the Options Menu.
Setting the Date, Time, and Timeouts
You can change the system date/time, set the date/time to daylight
savings time, change the time at which your system advances the
date/time to the next day, and set the amount of time your system
can remain inactive before reverting to the normal preset values.
◄Normal Preset
◄Sleep Mode
◄Autodate Advance
◄Correct Drift
◄Daylight Saving
Setting the Normal Preset Timer
The normal preset is a set of values (postage, ad, account and so
on) that your machine display automatically returns to after a set pe-
riod of time. You can set the amount of time the display takes before
it reverts to the normal preset.
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down.
3. Select "Time and Timeouts".
4. Select "Normal Preset"
5. Key in the amount of minutes (from 1-240) before the system
returns to the normal preset.
6. Select "OK". The display returns to Time and Timeouts menu.
7. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Options Menu.
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Setting Sleep Mode Activation Time
You can set the amount of time the machine waits until entering
"sleep mode". When the machine is in sleep mode, the display is
blank and you can't process mail. You awaken the machine by mere-
ly pressing any button on the control panel.
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down.
3. Select "Time and Timeouts".
4. Select "Sleep Mode"
5. Key in the amount of minutes (from 1-240) before the system
goes into sleep mode.
6. Select "OK". The display returns to Time and Timeouts menu.
7. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Options menu.
Setting Autodate Advance
Your system automatically advances the date at a time you specify.
The date advance time is factory set to 12:00 AM. If your mail is
picked up at a certain time each day, you can set the system to ad-
vance the date at the mail pickup time. You can also turn the auto
date advance feature off if you want.
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down.
3. Select "Time and Timeouts".
4. Select "Autodate advance".
5. Select "AM" or "PM".
6. Type in the time. Example: To enter one o’clock, type 1 - 0 - 0.
To enter 12:01 o’clock, type 1 - 2 - 0 - 1. (Don't type the hyphens.)
7. Select "Continue". The display returns to Time and Timeouts
8. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Options menu.
NOTE: If you want to turn the date advance feature off, set the
advance time to 12:00 AM.
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Correct Drift
Sometimes, the time on the machine may need to be corrected due
to internal "drift" or the activation of Daylight Saving Time.
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down.
3. Select "Time and Timeouts".
4. Press Page Down.
5. Select "Correct Drift".
6. You have your choice of adding or subtracting minutes from the
current time displayed.
5:52 PM
◄Add 1-120 min
◄Subtract 1-120 min
A. To add minutes:
• Select "Add 1-120 min" to add minutes.
• Key in the number of minutes you need to add and select
B. To subtract minutes:
• Select "Add 1-120 min" to subtract minutes.
• Key in the number of minutes you need to subtract and
select "Continue".
7. The display returns to Time and Timeouts menu.
8. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Options menu.
Setting Daylight Savings Time
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down.
3. Select "Time and Timeouts".
4. Press Page Down.
5. Select "Daylight Saving". The display shows the current setting.
6. Select "Enable" to use Daylight Saving Time, or select "Disable"
if you don't use Daylight Saving Time. Your selected setting is
saved and the display returns to the Time and Timeouts menu.
7. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Options menu.
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Setting Postage Values (Funds Warnings)
You can specify values so that when your postage funds drop below
a certain level, or if you try to enter too much postage for a piece of
mail, the system displays a warning.
Setting the High Value Warning
You can have the system warn you when you manually key in a post-
age value that is higher than your typical value. This feature alerts
you to a possible mistake and helps prevent you from accidentally
printing an incorrect postage value.
NOTE: The high warning value feature is effective when you
manually key in the postage value, but does not function if the
internal rating feature is used.
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down.
3. Select "Postage Values".
4. Select "High postage amount".
◄High postage amount
◄Low funds amount
5. Key in the value you want, including the digits to the right of the
decimal point if you want a fractional value like .75 or $1.50. Se-
lect "OK".
6. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Options menu.
Setting the Low Funds Warning
You can set up the system so that when the postage remaining
reaches a certain level, the system will remind you to add postage.
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down.
3. Select "Postage Values".
4. Select "Low funds amount".
5. Key in the amount you want (in whole dollars only). Select "OK".
6. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Options menu.
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Changing the Lock Codes and Passwords
Setting/Disabling the Lock Code
The Lock Code feature prevents unauthorized access to your mailing
system. If you establish a lock code, then a user will need to enter
the Lock Code after:
you power-up the machine
the machine has entered sleep mode and you need to awaken it
you press the Lock/Power key and choose "Lock the meter", and
you want to access the machine
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down twice.
3. Select "LockCode/Passwords".
4. Select "Meter Lock Code". If there is an existing lock code, you
are prompted to key in the 4-digit code.
◄Meter Lock Code
◄Supervisor Password
5. You then have a choice to either disable the lock code (if pres-
ent) or change (or establish) the lock code.
Meter Lock Options
◄Disable Lock Code
◄Change Lock Code
A. To disable the lock code:
Select "Disable Lock Code". At the "Meter Lock Code has
been disabled" message, select "Continue".
B. To change or establish the lock code:
Select "Change Lock Code". At the prompt, type in a new
lock code (4 digits) and select "Continue". Re-enter the new
lock code again to confirm and select "Continue". At the
"Meter Lock Code has been enabled" message, select "Con-
6. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Options menu.
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Setting/Disabling the Supervisor Password
A Supervisor password can be used to prevent unauthorized account
changes within the Departmental Accounting feature. If you establish
a Supervisor password, a user will need to enter this password to
add, edit, or delete Departmental Accounts; and for clearing Depart-
mental Account totals.
NOTE: You need to set up a Supervisor password also if you
want to enable Account passwords (see Chapter 8, Departmen-
tal Accounting).
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down twice.
3. Select "LockCode/Passwords".
4. Select "Supervisor Password" If there is an existing supervisor
password, you are prompted to key in the 4-digit code.
◄Meter Lock Code
◄Supervisor Password
5. You then have a choice to either disable the password (if pres-
ent) or change (or establish) the password.
Supervisor Options
◄Disable password
◄Change password
A. To disable the password:
Select "Disable Password". At the "Supervisor Password has
been disabled" message, select "Continue".
B. To change or establish the password:
Select "Change password". At the prompt, type in a new
password (4 digits) and select "Continue". Re-enter the new
password again to confirm and select "Continue". At the
"Supervisor Password has been enabled" message, select
6. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Options menu.
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Setting Scale Options
There are several options you can set with your scale such as zero-
ing the weight on the scale, turning the scale on/off, viewing metric
weights, and saving/changing class or ZIP settings when weight
changes on your scale. The scale options are accessed by pressing
the selection key next to SCALE: line at the Home screen.
Dec 23 08
◄ACCT: Sales
◄CLASS: None
◄SCALE: 0lb 0.0oz
The Scale Options menu choices are:
◄Zero the scale
◄Turn Scale OFF
◄View metric weight
◄Change/Retain class
◄Change/Retain ZIP
◄Change/Retain ZIP
Zeroing the Scale
If you have set your machine to retain the weight from the previous
package or mail piece, you will need to run this option to zero out the
1. At the Home screen, press the selection key next to SCALE: line.
2. Select "Zero the scale".
3. The scale will zero out the weight and you return to the Home
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Turning Scale On or Off
You may turn on and off the scale function as necessary.
1. At the Home screen, press the selection key next to SCALE: line.
2. Select "Turn Scale OFF (or ON)".
3. You return to the Home screen with either the scale on or off.
Scale Turned On Screen
Scale Turned Off Screen
Dec 23 08
Dec 23 08
◄ACCT: Sales
◄CLASS: None
◄SCALE: 0lb 0.0oz
◄ACCT: Sales
◄CLASS: None
Viewing Metric Weight
You may view the weight currently displayed on the scale in grams.
1. At the Home screen, press the selection key next to SCALE: line.
2. Select "View metric weight".
3. The current weight displays in grams.
Current weight is:
4. Select "Continue" to return to the Home screen.
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Setting Weight Change Options
You can set how the scale reacts regarding the class of service or
ZIP code when the weight changes.
1. At the Home screen, press the selection key next to SCALE: line.
2. Press Page Down.
3. You have a choice to set the class setting or ZIP setting.
◄Change/Retain class
◄Change/Retain ZIP
A. To change Class settings, select "Change/Retain class".
Select either change class or retain class when weight
changes. The current condition is listed at the bottom of the
◄Change Class
◄Retain Class
(Currently Change)
B. To change ZIP settings, select "Change/Retain ZIP". Select
either change ZIP or retain ZIP when weight changes. The
current condition is listed at the bottom of the screen.
◄Change ZIP
◄Retain ZIP
(Currently Change)
4. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to the Home screen.
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Setting Class Change Options
You can set how the scale reacts regarding the ZIP code when the
class changes.
1. At the Home screen, press the selection key next to SCALE: line.
2. Press Page Down twice.
3. Select "Change/Retain ZIP".
◄Change/Retain ZIP
4. Select either change ZIP or retain ZIP when class changes. The
current condition is listed at the bottom of the screen.
◄Change ZIP
◄Retain ZIP
(Currently Change)
5. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to the Home screen.
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Settings for Connecting to the Pitney Bowes Data Center
You can modify the settings on your machine that are used to con-
nect to the Pitney Bowes Data Center. These include analog phone
line settings (tone or pulse, dial prefix, etc.) to advanced settings
such as user ID, password, and server IP address. The Data Center
menu choices are:
Uploads and Downloads
Phone Parameters (affects analog phone line connections to
Data Center)
Distributor Values (affects both analog phone line and PC inter-
net connections to Data Center)
◄Uploads and Downloads
◄Phone Parameters
◄Distributor Values
IMPORTANT: Do not change the Data Center settings unless
directed to do so by your Pitney Bowes representative.
Uploads and Downloads
Use this feature to connect to the Pitney Bowes Data Center for
software downloads, new updates, etc. See Chapter 6, Adding Post-
age/Connecting to Data Center for information on when to use this
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down twice.
3. Select "Connect-Data Center".
4. Select "Uploads and Downloads". The system automatically dials
into the center.
NOTE: Make sure the machine is connected to the Pitney
Bowes Data Center.
5. After connection is made, follow the prompts (if any). The appro-
priate files are downloaded and you return to the Home screen.
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Phone Parameters (for analog line connection to Data Center)
This menu option allows you to modify the phone connection settings
on your machine (tone or pulse, dial prefix, etc.) when using an ana-
log phone line to connect to the Pitney Bowes Data Center.
◄Dialing Prefix
◄Change PbP Number
◄Modem Parameters
Selecting Tone/Pulse
Use this to tell the system whether you have a tone or pulse type phone.
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down twice.
3. Select "Connect-Data Center".
4. Select "Phone Parameters".
5. Select "Tone/Pulse".
6. Select Tone or Pulse, whichever is appropriate. The display
shows the new setting.
7. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Data Center menu.
8. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Options menu.
Entering the Dial Prefix
Use this if you need to dial a prefix number (like 9) to get an outside
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down twice.
3. Select "Connect-Data Center".
4. Select "Phone Parameters".
5. Select "Dialing Prefix".
6. Key in the prefix number you want (such as a "9").
7. Select "OK". You return to the Data Center menu.
8. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Options menu.
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Change Postage By Phone® (PbP) Number
NOTE: Use this if you need to change the number for Postage By
Phone® but only if you are directed to by a Pitney Bowes repre-
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down twice.
3. Select "Connect-Data Center".
4. Select "Phone Parameters"
5. Select "Change PbP Number".
6. A warning that you should only change this number if instructed
to by Pitney Bowes displays. Press Yes/Enter to continue, or No
to return to the Data Center menu.
7. Press Clear (back arrow key) to delete the existing phone num-
8. Key in the new phone number (excluding prefix).
9. Select "OK". You return to the Data Center menu.
10. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Options menu.
Change Modem Parameters
NOTE: Use this if you need to change the modem settings used
to dial into the Pitney Bowes Data Center but only if you are di-
rected to by a Pitney Bowes representative
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down twice.
3. Select "Connect-Data Center".
4. Select "Phone Parameters".
5. Press Page Down
6. Select "Modem Parameters".
7. A warning displays telling you that you should only change this
number if instructed to by Pitney Bowes. Press Yes/Enter to
continue or No to return to the Data Center menu.
8. Key in the new modem parameters (they will contain both alpha
and numeric characters) as given by your Pitney Bowes agent.
9. Select "Set New Value". The display will show "Modem Init String
has been updated".
10 Select "Continue". You return to the Phone Parameters menu.
11. Press Clear (back arrow key) twice to return to Options menu.
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Distributor Values
(affects both analog line and PC internet connections to Data Center)
This option allows you to modify the parameters that your machine
uses to connect to the Pitney Bowes Data Center. A brief description
of each parameter is provided on the next page.
IMPORTANT: Do not change the Distributor Values unless directed
to do so by your Pitney Bowes representative.
To access the Distributor Values:
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down twice.
3. Select "Connect-Data Center".
4. Select "Distributor Values".
5. Select the parameter you want to modify from the list appearing
in the display. Use Page Down if needed to access your choice.
◄Account & User ID
◄Global Password
◄ANI/LCZ Server IP
◄ANI/LCZ Server Port
◄Primary DNS Server
◄Secondary DNS Server
◄Distributor URL
◄Backup PbP URL
6. A warning message displays that reminds you that entering a
wrong value may result in errors connecting to the Data Center.
If you want to continue, press Yes/Enter; otherwise, press No to
return to the Select to View/Edit menu.
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Distributor Values (continued)
7. Key in a new entry for that parameter (some entries may require
alpha-numeric characters). When finished, either select "Restore
Default" (if you made a mistake or changed your mind) or "Set
the new value" (if you are satisfied with your new entry).
8. If you have changed a parameter, a message confirming the new
setting displays. If you selected "Restore Default", a message in-
forming you that the parameter has been set to the original Fac-
tory setting displays. In either case, select "Continue" to return to
the Select to View/Edit menu.
9. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Options menu.
Account and User ID
This is the account number and the user ID that your system uses to
dial into the internet service provider (ISP) that allows you to connect
to Pitney Bowes.
Global Password
This is the password your system uses to dial into your internet ser-
vice provider.
This is the internet address of the Automatic Number Identification
(ANI)/Least Cost Zone (LCZ) server that identifies your system and
routes your call to a zone that ensures the lowest cost for the con-
ANI/LCZ Server Port
The server port number identifies the port number on the ANI/LCZ
server to which your system connects.
Primary DNS Server
This is the internet address of the Pitney Bowes primary domain
name server (DNS). The domain name server converts your system
name to its IP address.
Secondary DNS Server
This is the internet address of the Pitney Bowes secondary domain
name server (DNS).
Distributor URL
The Universal Resource Locator (URL) of the web page to which
your system connects.
Backup PbP URL
The Universal Resource Locator (URL) of the backup web page to
which your system connects.
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Advanced Options
Advanced options allow you access to features that are used very
infrequently such as Intra BMC Zips, meter withdrawal, etc. The Ad-
vanced Feature menu includes:
Manage USPS® Confirmation Delivery Records (refer to Pitney
Bowes publication SV61156 for information on this optional fea-
ture). Visit our website (see page v) and enter "SV61156" in the
search box on the home page to locate and view this document.
Maintenance Mode (refer to Chapter 10, Maintenance for infor-
mation on this option)
Intra BMC ZIPs (bulk mail center designations used in pre-sort-
ing certain classes of mail)
Change Language
Meter Withdrawal (for withdrawing postage funds from your sys-
tem and for taking your system out of service)
Run Install Mode
◄Manage Conf Records
◄Maintenance mode
◄Change Language
◄Meter Withdrawal
◄Run Install Mode
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Intra BMC ZIPs
If you ship parcels locally using the parcel post class of USPS®, you
may be eligible for shipment discounts by setting up Intra-BMC (Bulk
Mail Center) ZIP Code groups.
To do this, first obtain a postal zone chart that is specific to your ZIP
Code from your local post office. Use the postal zone chart to deter-
mine if the ending ZIP Code of the parcel falls within your BMC Zone.
If it does, the parcel is eligible for an Intra-BMC parcel post rate.
Follow the steps below to setup up Intra-BMC ZIP Code groups.
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down twice.
3. Select "Advanced Features".
4. Select "Intra BMC ZIPS".
5. You have a choice to create, edit, or delete an Intra BMC ZIP group.
NOTE: If you have never used this feature before, only "Cre-
ate a new group" displays.
◄Create a new group
◄Edit existing group
◄Delete a group
7. If you want to create a new group, select "Create a new group".
A. Key in the first 3 digits of beginning ZIP and select "OK".
B. Key in the first 3 digits of ending ZIP and select "OK".
8. If you want to edit a group, select "Edit existing group".
A. Select the group from the list provided.
B. Key in the first 3 digits of beginning ZIP and select "OK".
C. Key in the first 3 digits of ending ZIP and select "OK".
9. If you want to delete a group, select "Delete a group".
A. Select the group from the list provided that you want to delete.
B. Press Yes/Enter at the confirmation prompt to delete.
10. Press Clear (back arrow key) twice to return to Options menu.
NOTE: When rating a parcel using the Parcel Post class and the
system recognizes a destination ZIP Code that falls within an In-
tra-BMC zone that you’ve established, it will use the discounted
Intra-BMC rate instead of the normal parcel rate.
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Change Language
The machine is capable of displaying all screens, operator prompts,
and options in either English or Spanish (Español). English is the de-
fault language when the machine is initially powered up. To change
the screens to Spanish (or back to English when Español is selected):
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down twice.
3. Select "Advanced Features".
4. Press Page Down once.
5. Select "Change Language".
6. Select the desired language, English or Español
Your system will return to the first Advanced Features screen in
the new language. To return to the Main screen press Home. The
language you selected will remain in effect until it is changed again.
Meter Withdrawal (Withdrawing Postage Funds)
For a meter withdrawal, you need to move the remaining balance of
postage from your machine into your Postage By Phone® Account.
Normally this is done if you are no longer going to use the machine.
NOTE 1: Contact Pitney Bowes first before withdrawing funds.
NOTE 2: Machine must be connected to the Pitney Bowes Data
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down to the third screen.
3. Select "Advanced Features".
◄Advanced Features
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Meter Withdrawal (Withdrawing Postage Funds)
4. Press Page Down to the second screen.
5. Select "Meter Withdrawal".
◄Meter Withdrawal
6. Select "Transfer all funds from meter to PBP account".
◄Transfer all funds
from meter to PBP
7. The system dials into the Pitney Bowes Data Center (this may
take a few moments). Various screens displays, letting you know
the status of the process.
8. The Transfer Successful screen displays. Select "Continue".
Funds moved to PBP
9. At the prompt "Print Funds Report?", press Yes/Enter and insert
envelope/tape sheet through machine (see sample below) OR
simply press Home. "Out of Service" appears on the display.
JAN 07 08
$464 . 270
$000 . 000
Batch Count:
Batch Value:
Total Pieces: 735
$464 . 270
Control Sum: $464 . 270
PBP Serial No.: 0011969
NOTE: "Available" should show a zero ($000.000) dollar amount.
SV62214 Rev. A
7 • System Options
Run Install Mode
Running “Install Mode” allows you to review, and change if desired,
most of the values that were selected when the machine was first
installed via the procedure in the Quick Install Guide. This option
provides a convenient location to set several values all at once. Pa-
rameters that may be set by running the Install mode include:
Select a language
Key in the correct local time
Print a test pattern
Enter the two-digit scale location code
Set the dialing prefix (the number you have to dial to get an
outside line)
To run the install mode:
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down twice
3. Select "Advanced Features".
4. Press Page Down once
5. Select "Run Install Mode".
At this point you will be presented the option to select a language,
which is the first step of the install procedure. Simply follow the
screen prompts until you reach the “Installation Successful” screen.
Select "OK" and you will be returned to the main screen with your
new values active.
SV62214 Rev. A
8 • Departmental Accounting
Overview of the Accounting Feature
If you have the accounting feature, you can set your system up to track
postage costs incurred by departments or individuals in your organiza-
tion (e.g., Engineering, Sales, Jim Smith, etc.). The number of accounts
available on your system is based on the amount purchased. Your sys-
tem stores the following information for each account:
A name up to 12 alphanumeric characters long.
An account number.
The item total. This is the total number of pieces of mail charged
to an account since it was last cleared.
The value total. This is the total amount of postage charged to an
account since it was last cleared.
An account password (if set up)
The maintenance of your accounts is done through programs on the
Accounts menu (below), accessible by pressing the selection key
next to ACCT: line at the Home screen (if the feature is activated).
Dec 23 08
◄ACCT: Sales
◄CLASS: None
◄SCALE: 0lb 0.0oz
Each Accounts menu option is discussed in this chapter.
◄Select an account
◄Create an account
◄Delete an account
◄Edit an account
◄Display acct totals
◄Clear an account
◄Clear all accounts
◄Turn accounting OFF
◄Acct Passwords
SV62214 Rev. A
8 • Departmental Accounting
Activating Accounting and Setting Up Your Accounts
Use the table below to step you through the process of setting up the
Accounting feature and determine whether to use passwords on indi-
vidual accounts. The table covers the entire "life cycle" of an account.
Step Action
Turn On
Turns on the Accounting feature. This is neces-
sary before you can create accounts.
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down.
3. Select "Turn items ON/OFF.
4. Select "Accounting".
5. Select "Turn Accounting ON".
Create a
If you establish a Supervisor password, a user will
need to enter this password to add, edit, or delete
Departmental Accounts; and for clearing Depart-
mental Account totals. Also, you need to set up a
Supervisor password before you can enable Ac-
count passwords. If you don't need this option, or
you don't need passwords, you can skip to step 4.
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down twice.
3. Select "LockCode/Passwords".
4. Select "Supervisor Password".
5. At the prompt, type in a password (4 digits)
and select "Continue". Re-enter the new
password again to confirm and select "Con-
At the "Supervisor Password has been en-
abled" message, select "Continue".
Turn On
Turns on the requirement for all operators to enter
passwords when choosing an account (if a pass-
word has been established for an account).
1. From Home screen, press the selection key
next to ACCT: line to display the Accounts
2. Press Page Down twice and select "Acct
3. Select "Turn Passwords ON". You return back
to the Accounts menu.
SV62214 Rev. A
8 • Departmental Accounting
Activating Accounting and Setting Up Your Accounts
Step Action
Sets up your account name (and password if de-
sired). See Creating an Account later in this chap-
ter for procedure.
Maintain (Edit) Allows you to change the name and/or password
of an account. See Editing Account Names and
Passwords later in this chapter for procedure.
Allows you to choose the specific account for re-
cording postage.
1. From Home screen, press the selection key
next to ACCT: line.
2. Select "Select an account".
3. Press Page Down to see more choices (if lit).
Select an account.
NOTE: If a password has been assigned to
this account, you will be prompted to enter
one. Key in the 4-digit password if necessary.
4. You return to the Home screen with the name
of the account listed below the date and
amount line.
Account Totals account.
Allows you to see the accumulated totals for this
For viewing totals, see Displaying Account
Totals later in this chapter for procedure.
For printing totals, see Printing a Single Ac-
count Report or Printing a Multi-Account Sum-
mary Report later in this chapter for procedure.
Clear Accounts Allows you to clear the postage totals on accounts
(for example, at the beginning of a new fiscal year)
For a single account, see Clearing an Ac-
count later in this chapter for procedure.
For all accounts, see Clearing all Accounts
later in this chapter for procedure.
Allows you to delete an account. See Deleting an
Account later in this chapter for procedure.
NOTE: Make sure you really want to delete
an account. Once you do, the account infor-
mation is gone.
SV62214 Rev. A
8 • Departmental Accounting
Turning On Accounting
1. At the home screen, press Options.
2. Press Page Down and select "Turn items ON/OFF".
◄Turn items ON/OFF
◄Time and Timeouts
◄Postage Values
3. Select "Accounting".
◄Account Passwords
◄Auto Rating
4. Select "Turn Accounting ON".
If a Supervisor password has been enabled, you are prompted
to enter one. Key in the 4-digit password if necessary. You return
back to the Home screen.
5. From the Home screen, press the selection key next to the
ACCT: line to display the Accounts menu.
6. Select "Select an account".
◄Select an account
◄Create an account
◄Delete an account
7. The "Select an Account" screen displays (a sample is shown be-
low). Press Page Down to see more choices (if lit). To select an
(Use keypad)
A. You may either key in the first digit of the account number if
you know it and press Yes/Enter, OR
B. Use the appropriate selection key next to the display.
SV62214 Rev. A
8 • Departmental Accounting
Turning On Accounting
8. If a password has been assigned to this account, you will be
prompted to enter one. Key in the 4-digit password if necessary.
9. You return to the Home screen with the name of the account
listed (the example below shows "Sales" as the account chosen).
Dec 23 08
◄ACCT: Sales
◄CLASS: None
◄SCALE: 0lb 0.0oz
Turning Off Accounting
You can temporarily turn off the Departmental Accounting whenever
you wish.
NOTE: You will not be tracking postage by account when this fea-
ture is turned off.
1. From Home screen, press the selection key next to ACCT: line to
display the Accounts menu.
2. Press Page Down twice and select "Turn accounting OFF". If
a Supervisor password has been enabled, you are prompted to
enter one. Key in the 4-digit password if necessary.
◄Clear all accounts
◄Turn accounting OFF
◄Acct Passwords
3. You return to the Home screen with no account displayed (see
example below).
Dec 23 08
◄CLASS: None
◄SCALE: 0lb 0.0oz
SV62214 Rev. A
8 • Departmental Accounting
Turning On Account Passwords
You can turn on the requirement for all operators to enter passwords
when choosing an account.
NOTE 1: You need to set up a Supervisor password (see Chapter
7, System Options) before you can enable Account passwords.
NOTE 2: Turning on the account password feature forces you to
select a new account, just in case your existing account uses a
1. From Home screen, press the selection key next to ACCT: line to
display the Accounts menu.
2. Press Page Down twice and select "Acct Passwords".
◄Clear all accounts
◄Turn accounting OFF
◄Acct Passwords
3. Select "Turn Passwords ON". You return back to the Accounts
4. Select "Select an account".
5. The "Select an Account" screen displays (a sample is shown be-
low). Press Page Down to see more choices (if lit). To select an
(Use keypad)
A. You may either key in the first digit of the account number if
you know it and press Yes/Enter, OR
B. Use the appropriate selection key next to the display.
6. Key in the 4-digit password for that account.
7. You return to the Home screen with the name of the account
listed (the example below shows "Sales" as the account chosen).
Dec 23 08
◄ACCT: Sales
◄CLASS: None
◄SCALE: 0lb 0.0oz
SV62214 Rev. A
8 • Departmental Accounting
Turning Off Account Passwords
You can turn off the requirement for all operators to enter passwords
(if passwords are set up) when choosing an account.
1. From Home screen, press the selection key next to ACCT: line to
display the Accounts menu.
2. Press Page Down twice and select "Acct Passwords".
◄Clear all accounts
◄Turn accounting OFF
◄Acct Passwords
3. Select "Turn Passwords OFF".
4. You are prompted to enter the Supervisor password. Key in the
4-digit password. You return back to the Accounts menu.
5. Press Clear (back arrow key) or Home to return to the Home
SV62214 Rev. A
8 • Departmental Accounting
Creating an Account
You need to create an account before you can use the departmental
accounting feature to track postage.
1. From Home screen, press the selection key next to ACCT: line to
display the Accounts menu.
2. Select "Create an account". If a Supervisor password has been
enabled, you are prompted to enter one. Key in the 4-digit pass-
word if necessary..
◄Select an account
◄Create an account
◄Delete an account
3. The system will prompt for the name of this account. Key in a
name for the account. It can be up to twelve alpha/numeric char-
acters long. To access alpha characters, repeatedly press the
appropriate number key until the desired character displays.
4. When finished, select "Continue". If Account Passwords are
turned ON (see earlier section in this chapter Turning On Ac-
count Passwords), you are prompted to create a password for
the new account. Key in a four digit code. At the prompt, to cre-
ate another account, either:
A. Press Yes/Enter and go back to Step 3 to enter another ac-
count OR
B. Press No to continue. You return to the Accounts menu.
5. Press Clear (back arrow key) or Home to return to the Home
SV62214 Rev. A
8 • Departmental Accounting
Editing Account Names and Passwords
You can edit an account name and establish passwords for each ac-
count if you wish.
1. From Home screen, press the selection key next to ACCT: line to
display the Accounts menu.
2. Press Page Down and select "Edit an account". If a Supervisor
password has been enabled, you are prompted to enter one. Key
in the 4-digit password if necessary.
◄Edit an account
◄Display acct totals
◄Clear an account
3. The "Edit an Account" screen displays (a sample is shown below).
Press Page Down to see more choices (if lit). To select an account:
(Use keypad)
A. You may either key in the first digit of the account number if
you know it and press Yes/Enter, OR
B. Use the appropriate selection key next to the display.
4. After the account is selected, you have a choice to edit the ac-
count name or edit the account password.
Edit Account Name option
A. If you select "Edit acct. name", the system prompts you for
the new name. Key in a new name for the account. It can be
up to twelve alpha/numeric characters long. To access alpha
characters, repeatedly press the appropriate number key
until the desired character displays.
B. Select "OK" when done.
C. You are prompted if you want to change the account pass-
word also. If you select "Yes", continue with Step B from Edit
Account Password Option on the next page; otherwise, you
return to the "Edit an Account" screen.
SV62214 Rev. A
8 • Departmental Accounting
Editing Account Names and Passwords
Edit Account Password option
A. If you select "Edit acct. password", the system confirms you
want to change the password. Press Yes/Enter.
B. The system prompts you for the new password. Key in the
new 4-digit password.
C. Select "Continue" when done.
D. At the confirmation password prompt, re-enter the new pass-
E. Select "Set". You return to the "Edit an Account" screen.
5. Press Clear (back arrow key) twice to return to the Options
SV62214 Rev. A
8 • Departmental Accounting
Selecting an Account
You need to select an account to track postage when using Depart-
mental Accounting.
1. From Home screen, press the selection key next to ACCT: line to
display the Accounts menu.
2. Select "Select an account"
◄Select an account
◄Create an account
◄Delete an account
3. The "Select an Account" screen displays (a sample is shown be-
low). Press Page Down to see more choices (if lit). To select an
(Use keypad)
A. You may either key in the first digit of the account number if
you know it and press Yes/Enter, OR
B. Use the appropriate selection key next to the display.
4. If a password has been assigned to this account, you will be
prompted to enter one. Key in the 4-digit password if necessary.
5. You return to the Home screen with the name of the account
listed (the example below shows "Sales" as the account chosen).
Dec 23 08
◄ACCT: Sales
◄CLASS: None
◄SCALE: 0lb 0.0oz
SV62214 Rev. A
8 • Departmental Accounting
Displaying Account Totals
You can view your account totals anytime using this option.
1. From Home screen, press the selection key next to ACCT: line to
display the Accounts menu.
2. Press Page Down and select "Display acct totals"
◄Edit an account
◄Display acct totals
◄Clear an account
3. The "Display an Account" screen displays (a sample is shown
below). Press Page Down to see more choices (if lit). To select
an account:
(Use keypad)
A. You may either key in the first digit of the account number if
you know it and press Yes/Enter, OR
B. Use the appropriate selection key next to the display.
4. The account number, name, pieces, and value of the postage
used displays. Select "Continue".
5. You have a choice to either clear the account, view another ac-
count, or exit.
A. Select "Clear this account" if you want to clear account
totals. If your system has been set up to require a supervi-
sor or account password, you are prompted to enter it. The
"Clear an Account" screen displays and you continue with
Step 3 from Clearing an Account on the next page.
B. Select "View another acct" and go back to Step 3 to enter
another account to view.
C. Follow the prompts to exit this screen if you are finished.
6. You return back to the Accounts menu. Press Clear (back arrow
key) or Home to return to the Home screen.
SV62214 Rev. A
8 • Departmental Accounting
Printing a Single Account Report
This report provides the postage amount and number of pieces ap-
plied against a single account (if the Departmental Accounting fea-
ture is set up on your system).
1. Press Reports.
2. Select "Printable report".
3. Select "Single Accounts Rpt".
4. Key in an account.
5. When prompted, insert tape sheet or envelope into machine. The
report is printed and you return back to the Printable reports menu.
6. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Report type menu or
press Home to return to the Home screen.
Account Name: SALES
JAN 28 08
11 : 01A
Acct Number:
001 . 480
Printing a Multi-Account Summary Report
This report provides the postage amount and number of pieces ap-
plied to all of your accounts (if the Departmental Accounting feature
is set up on your system).
1. Press Reports.
2. Select "Printable report".
3. Select "Multi Acct Summary".
4. When prompted, insert tape sheet or envelope into machine. The
report is printed and you return back to the Printable reports menu.
NOTE: If it is a multi-page report, you will be prompted to
insert another envelope/tape sheet.
5. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Report type menu or
press Home to return to the Home screen.
Account No.
JAN 15 08
11 : 04A
001 . 480
001 . 480
page 1 of
SV62214 Rev. A
8 • Departmental Accounting
Clearing an Account
You can clear the postage totals on an account when necessary.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you really want to clear an account. Once
you do, the account information is gone.
1. From Home screen, press the selection key next to ACCT: line to
display the Accounts menu.
2. Press Page Down and select "Clear an account". If a Supervisor
password has been enabled, you are prompted to enter one. Key
in the 4-digit password if necessary.
◄Edit an account
◄Display acct totals
◄Clear an account
3. The "Clear an Account" screen displays (a sample is shown below).
Press Page Down to see more choices (if lit). To select an account:
(Use keypad)
A. You may either key in the first digit of the account number if
you know it and press Yes/Enter, OR
B. Use the appropriate selection key next to the display.
4. At the confirm clear prompt, press Yes/Enter (or No if you
change your mind). The account is cleared and you return back
to the Accounts menu.
5. Press Clear (back arrow key) or Home to return to the Home
SV62214 Rev. A
8 • Departmental Accounting
Clearing All Accounts
You can clear the postage totals on all accounts (for example, at the
beginning of a new fiscal year) with this option.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you really want to clear all accounts.
Once you do, the account information is gone.
1. From Home screen, press the selection key next to ACCT: line to
display the Accounts menu.
2. Press Page Down twice and select "Clear all accounts". If a Su-
pervisor password has been enabled, you are prompted to enter
one. Key in the 4-digit password if necessary.
◄Clear all accounts
◄Turn accounting OFF
◄Acct Passwords
3. At the confirm clear prompt, press Yes/Enter (or No if you
change your mind). All the accounts are cleared and you return
back to the Accounts menu.
4. Press Clear (back arrow key) or Home to return to the Home
SV62214 Rev. A
8 • Departmental Accounting
Deleting an Account
You can delete an account, but make sure you really want to be-
cause you cannot get the information associated with that account
back after it has been deleted.
IMPORTANT: Make sure your really want to delete an account.
Once you do, the account information is gone.
1. From the Home screen, press the selection key next to ACCT:
line to display the Accounts menu.
2. Select "Delete an account". If a Supervisor password has been
enabled, you are prompted to enter one. Key in the 4-digit pass-
word if necessary.
◄Select an account
◄Create an account
◄Delete an account
3. The "Delete an Account" screen displays (a sample is shown be-
low). Press Page Down to see more choices (if lit). To select an
(Use keypad)
A. You may either key in the first digit of the account number if
you know it and press Yes/Enter, OR
B. Use the appropriate selection key next to the display.
4. At the confirmation prompt to delete the account selected, press
Yes/Enter to delete (or No if you change your mind).
5. In either case, you return to the Accounts menu screen. Press
Clear (back arrow key) or Home to return to the Home screen.
SV62214 Rev. A
9 • Reports
Overview of Reports
Your system allows you to print reports for funds usage, postage
refills, postage tracked by account, and other valuable data. You can
print these reports right from your machine on an envelope or tape
sheet. The reports are accessed by pressing Reports.
Select Report Type
◄Printable report
The available reports may include:
Add Postage Report
Single Account Report
Multi-Account Summary Report
Register (Funds) Report
Configuration Report
Error Report
Special Services Report
Rates Summary Report
NOTE: The number of reports may vary, depending on the
options installed on your machine.
◄Add Postage Report
◄Single Accounts Rpt.
◄Multi Acct summary
◄Register Report
◄Configuration Rpt.
◄Error Report
◄Special Services
◄Rates Summary Rpt.
SV62214 Rev. A
9 • Reports
Register Report (Funds Report)
This report lists the postage used, postage available, pieces pro-
cessed, and other information about your machine usage.
1. Press Reports.
2. Select "Printable report".
3. Select "Register Report".
4. When prompted, insert tape sheet or envelope into machine. The
report is printed and the system returns back to the Printable re-
ports menu.
5. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Report type menu or
press Home to return to the Home screen.
JAN 07 08
$464 . 270
$000 . 000
Batch Count:
Batch Value:
Total Pieces: 735
$464 . 270
Control Sum: $464 . 270
PBP Serial No.: 0011969
Used – the total of all postage ever used in the meter
Available – the amount of postage left in the meter
Total Pieces – the total number of mail pieces run through the
meter that had postage applied
Control Sum – the total of all postage refills for the meter and equals
the amount Used plus Available. This is a postal requirement that
verifies an accurate accounting of the postage in your machine.
Batch Count – the number of mail pieces that had postage ap-
plied since the last time the batch count was cleared
Batch Value – the amount of postage applied since the last time
the batch value was cleared
PBP Serial No. – serial number of this meter (normally meter
SV62214 Rev. A
9 • Reports
Add Postage Report
This report lists the last five postage refills.
1. Press Reports.
2. Select "Printable report".
3. Select "Add Postage Report".
4. When prompted, insert tape sheet or envelope into machine. The
report is printed and the system returns back to the Printable re-
ports menu.
5. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Report type menu or
press Home to return to the Home screen.
Date of Refill
Refill Amount
Acct No.:
Meter No.:
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
0 0 11 9 6 9
JAN 28 08
JAN 06 08
DEC 10 07
NOV 17 07
8 : 32A
8 : 15A
7 : 47A
7 : 53A
$ 0 2 5
$ 2 7 5
$ 3 0 0
$ 1 4 6
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
JAN 28 08
Date of Refill – the date of refill
Time – the time of refill
Refill Amount – amount of refill
Account No. – your Postage By Phone® system account number
Meter No. – serial number of this meter (normally meter number)
Printed – the date the report was printed
SV62214 Rev. A
9 • Reports
Single Accounts Report (Departmental Accounting)
This report provides the postage amount and number of pieces ap-
plied against a single account (if the Departmental Accounting fea-
ture is set up on your system).
1. Press Reports.
2. Select "Printable report".
3. Select "Single Accounts Rpt".
4. Key in an account.
5. When prompted, insert tape sheet or envelope into machine. The
report is printed and the system returns back to the Printable re-
ports menu.
6. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Report type menu or
press Home to return to the Home screen.
Account Name: SALES
JAN 28 08
11 : 01A
Acct Number:
001 . 480
Multi-Account Summary Report (Departmental Accounting)
This report provides the postage amount and number of pieces ap-
plied to all of your accounts (if the Departmental Accounting feature
is set up on your system).
1. Press Reports.
2. Select "Printable report".
3. Select "Multi Acct Summary".
4. When prompted, insert tape sheet or envelope into machine. The
report is printed and the system returns back to the Printable re-
ports menu.
NOTE: If it is a multi-page report, you will be prompted to
insert another envelope/tape sheet.
5. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Report type menu or
press Home to return to the Home screen.
Account No.
JAN 15 08
11 : 04A
001 . 480
001 . 480
page 1 of
SV62214 Rev. A
9 • Reports
Special Services Report
This report is used in conjunction with the optional USPS® Confirma-
tion Services feature and provides a list of the last 20 mail pieces (by
barcode number) that had one of the USPS® Confirmation Services
applied to them.
1. Press Reports.
2. Select "Printable report".
3. Select "Special Services".
4. When prompted, insert tape sheet or envelope into machine. The
report is printed and the system returns back to the Printable re-
ports menu.
NOTE: If it is a multi-page report, you will be prompted to
insert another envelope/tape sheet.
5. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Report type menu or
press Home to return to the Home screen.
001 . 480
001 . 480
JAN 11 08
JAN 12 08
Printed: JAN 28 08 12 : 17P
page 1 of
Barcode – the barcode number entered when applying the Con-
firmation Service to a particular mail piece
Postage – the total amount of postage applied to this mail piece
ZIP – the delivery ZIP code of the mail piece
Uploaded – the date this USPS® Confirmation Services record
was uploaded to the Pitney Bowes (and later) USPS® data cen-
Printed – the date and time this report was printed
SV62214 Rev. A
9 • Reports
Rates Summary Report
This report provides a summary of the rate files that are currently
active in your system. You can print this as a way to confirm that you
have received the latest rates.
1. Press Reports.
2. Select "Printable report".
3. Press Page Down once
4. Select "Rates Summary Rpt".
5. When prompted, insert tape sheet or envelope into machine. The
report is printed and the system returns back to the Printable re-
ports menu.
NOTE: If it is a multi-page report, you will be prompted to
insert another envelope/tape sheet.
6. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Report type menu, or
press Home to return to the main screen.
JAN 13 08
JAN 13 08
Meter No.:
JAN 28 08
9 : 25A
page 1 of
Description – the specific type of rate
Version – the alpha-numeric identifier used for this rate
Effective Date – the date the rate takes effect
Active – indicates if the rate is active ("Yes" or No")
Meter No. – the serial number of this meter
SV62214 Rev. A
9 • Reports
Configuration Report
This report lists configuration information about your machine and
Postage By Phone® account. It is generally a report you will not
have to access unless your Pitney Bowes Customer Service Repre-
sentative requests that you print it out.
1. Press Reports.
2. Select "Printable report".
3. Select "Configuration Report".
4. When prompted, insert tape sheet or envelope into machine. The
report is printed and the system returns back to the Printable re-
ports menu.
5. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Report type menu or
press Home to return to the Home screen.
SEP 28 08
PBP Serial No: 0 0 11 9 6 9
PBP Account: 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
PSD Ser. # 4C46000000007E4C
PrtHd No.: 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 4
PSD: 09. 00. 00
UIC: 16 . 02
9 : 25A
Rate Mgr: 04 . 02
PHS: 1 . 11
PCN: P700
SMR: 000
Printer Ser.#: 999999999
Platform: D1.01
SV62214 Rev. A
9 • Reports
Error Report
This report provides a history of error codes that your machine has
encountered. It is generally a report you will not have to access un-
less your Pitney Bowes Customer Service Representative requests
that you print it out.
1. Press Reports.
2. Select "Printable report".
3. Select "Error Report".
4. When prompted, insert tape sheet or envelope into machine. The
report is printed and the system returns back to the Printable re-
ports menu.
NOTE: If it is a multi-page report, you will be prompted to
insert another envelope/tape sheet.
5. Press Clear (back arrow key) to return to Report type menu or
press Home to return to the Home screen.
Error Date
JAN 10 08
DEC 22 07
SEP 08 07
JUL 01 07
JUN 1 8 07
JAN 28 08
9: 25A
04 : 25P 1879
11 : 47A 0802
03 : 08A 010E
09 : 36A 1848
12 : 52A Oaff
page 1 of
SV62214 Rev. A
10 • Maintenance
Messages Indicating Ink Cartridge Replacement
NOTE: We recommend that you keep a spare ink cartridge on
hand at all times.
Your actual ink usage will vary, depending on whether you routinely
print ads, how many pieces of mail you print a day and other factors.
The machine display tells you when the ink supply is low or exhaust-
ed with the following messages:
“Low Ink"
Replace the ink cartridge soon. You can print about another 300 im-
pressions or leave the system running for six days without printing.
If you don’t have a replacement cartridge on hand, you should order
one now. See Chapter 12, Supplies and Options for part numbers to
order this item.
IMPORTANT: Replace the ink cartridge as soon as you see the
“Low Ink” alert.
"Ink Out”
Replace the ink cartridge immediately. The ink supply is gone; you
won't be able to print.
Printing a $0.00 Meter Stamp
If you want to check the ink imprint (meter stamp) on your machine,
you can generate a $0.00 meter stamp for this purpose. At the Home
screen, simply press Zero, then Yes/Enter, and slide an envelope
(or tape sheet) through the machine.
SV62214 Rev. A
10 • Maintenance
Replacing the Ink Cartridge
1. Remove the weighing platform if you have a DM200L.
2. Open the top cover. A "Top Cover Open" message displays.
3. Select "Replace Ink Tank" to continue (if you don't want to
change the ink cartridge at this time, simply close the top cover).
The message "Moving ink tank to replacement position" displays.
4. Flip open the ink cartridge guard.
Ink Cartridge
5. Lift up and remove old ink cartridge and discard.
SV62214 Rev. A
10 • Maintenance
Replacing the Ink Cartridge
6. Remove the new ink cartridge from the bag. The tape should pull
off (remove if necessary).
7. Lower the ink cartridge into the cavity (the label on the top of the
cartridge should face the front of your system). The ridges on
either side of the cartridge will slide into the grooves.
8. Return the guard to the closed position and click to secure.
9. Close the cover. The system automatically starts an ink initialization
process and in a few moments returns you to the Home screen.
SV62214 Rev. A
10 • Maintenance
Filling the Moistener
Refer to the following procedure to refill the moistener.
1. Check the moistener tank to see how much sealing solution is
Fill Here
Check Level Here
2. Add enough E-Z Seal® to bring the sealant level up to the bottom
of the fill hole. We recommend E-Z Seal because it helps keep
your moistener clean and improves sealing efficiency. See Chap-
ter 12, Supplies and Options for part numbers to order this item.
3. If the tank was empty, allow 30 minutes for the moistener
brush and wick to get completely wet.
IMPORTANT: Do not overfill the moistener tank.
SV62214 Rev. A
10 • Maintenance
Maintaining the Moistener
If you notice incomplete or poor sealing and the moistener tank is
full, you may need to clean the moistener brush or wick. If seal qual-
ity doesn't improve after cleaning, you can replace the moistener
brush or wick as needed.
Brush Holder
See Chapter 12, Supplies and Options for part numbers to order
these items for your machine.
Removing and Cleaning the Moistener Brush
1. Push down on the blue release lever on the moistener.
2. Pull the moistener straight out to the left.
SV62214 Rev. A
10 • Maintenance
Removing and Cleaning the Moistener Brush
3. Open the hinged brush holder.
Brush Holder
4. Grasp the bristles and slide the
brush out of the hinged brush
holder, toward the front of the
moistener tank.
5. Clean the brush in plain water, and rinse thoroughly.
6. Position the brush as shown at
right so its bottom edge is under
the mounting tabs.
7. Slide the brush back toward the
rear of the moistener.
NOTE: At this point, if you need to clean the wick and holder,
go to" Removing and Cleaning the Moistener Wick and Hold-
er" procedure on the next page. Otherwise, just continue
with step 8.
8. Reinstall the moistener. Push down on the blue release lever on
the moistener.
9. Slide the moistener back onto the machine. You should hear a
click as it engages.
SV62214 Rev. A
10 • Maintenance
Removing and Cleaning the Moistener Wick and Holder
NOTE: This procedure assumes you have done steps 1 to 7 from
the previous "Removing and Cleaning the Moistener Brush" section.
1. Pull up and remove the holder and wick from the moistener as
shown here.
2. Separate wick from metal holder, clean the wick in plain water,
and rinse thoroughly.
3. Place the wick back in the holder.
4. Reinstall the wick and holder assembly into moistener.
5. Reinstall the moistener. Push down on the blue release lever on
the moistener.
6. Slide the moistener back onto the machine. You should hear a
click as it engages.
SV62214 Rev. A
10 • Maintenance
Replacing the Print Head
1. Remove the weighing platform if you have a DM200L.
2. Open the top cover. A "Top Cover Open" message displays.
3. Select "Replace Ink Tank" to continue (if you don't want to
change the print head at this time, simply close the top cover).
The message "Moving ink tank to replacement position" displays.
4. Flip open the ink cartridge guard.
Ink Cartridge
5. Lift up and remove ink cartridge.
SV62214 Rev. A
10 • Maintenance
Replacing the Print Head
6. Squeeze in the two gray tabs on either side of the print head.
7. While squeezing, lift and tilt the print head to the right toward the
space for the ink cartridge. The print head should come up out of
the machine.
8. Remove the print head from packaging.
SV62214 Rev. A
10 • Maintenance
Replacing the Print Head
9. Remove the protective tape or the black cap from the bottom of the
replacement print head.
Protective Tape
Black Cap
10. Squeeze the two gray tabs on either side of the new print head
and slightly angle the print head while pushing the print head
flush against the wall.
Flush Against Wall
11. If you are using the same ink cartridge you removed in Step 5,
continue with step 12.
Otherwise, if you are putting in a new ink cartridge, remove the
new ink cartridge from the bag. The tape should pull off (remove
if necessary).
SV62214 Rev. A
10 • Maintenance
Replacing the Print Head
12. Lower the ink cartridge into the cavity (the label on the top of the
cartridge should face the front of your system). The ridges on
either side of the cartridge will slide into the grooves.
13. Return the guard to the closed position and click to secure.
14. Close the cover. The system automatically recognizes the new
cartridge and in a few moments returns you to the Home screen.
SV62214 Rev. A
10 • Maintenance
Running Print Tests
The system has several tests that let you check print performance
and help you determine printing problems.
These tests are accessible by pressing Options, pressing Page
Down to the third screen, and selecting "Advance Features".
◄Advance the date
◄Set to todays date
◄Adjust the Contrast
◄Turn items ON/OFF
◄Time and Timeouts
◄Postage Values
◄Connect-Data Center
◄Advanced Features
Once you are in Advanced features, select "Maintenance Mode".
◄Manage Conf Records
◄Maintenance mode
Once you are in Maintenance menu, select "Printer maintenance".
◄Printer maintenance
◄View system Info
The PM Maintenance menu displays.
◄Test Print
SV62214 Rev. A
10 • Maintenance
Test Print
The test print allows you to print a test pattern to see if the print head
is functioning properly or you have enough ink in the cartridge.
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down twice.
3. Select "Advanced Features".
4. Select "Maintenance mode".
5. Select "Printer maintenance".
6. Select "Test Print".
7. When prompted, insert an envelope through the machine.
8. You are prompted if the test pattern is OK.
A. If yes, press Yes and you return to the PM Maintenance
Good Test Print
(No Missing Lines)
B. If no, press No and the system executes a purge. This may
take a few moments. When finished, you return to the PM
Maintenance menu.
Poor Test Print
(Missing Lines)
9. Press Home or Clear (back arrow key) 4 times to return to the
Home screen.
SV62214 Rev. A
10 • Maintenance
The test print allows you to purge the print heads in an effort to fix a
printing problem
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down twice.
3. Select "Advanced Features".
4. Select "Maintenance mode".
5. Select "Printer maintenance".
6. Select "Purge".
7. You have a choice of 4 purges to use. Normally selecting "Purge
A" is sufficient to purge the system, unless directed by a Pitney
Bowes agent to do otherwise.
◄Purge A
◄Purge B
◄Purge C
8. The system executes a purge. This may take a few moments.
When finished, you return to the Purge screen.
9. Press Clear (back arrow key) 5 times to return to the Home
SV62214 Rev. A
10 • Maintenance
Replacement of Print Head or Cartridge
This option steps you through the procedure to replace either the
print head or ink tank (cartridge).
NOTE: See "Replacing the Ink Cartridge" or "Replacing the Print
Head" at the beginning of this chapter which explains these pro-
cedures in detail using figures.
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down twice.
3. Select "Advanced Features".
4. Select "Maintenance mode".
5. Select "Printer maintenance".
6. Select "Replacement".
7. You have a choice to replace the print head or ink tank (cartridge)
◄Replace Print Head
◄Replace Ink tank
The steps for each are the same, the only difference is with the
maintenance the system performs.
8. You are prompted to open the top cover.
9. After the cover is opened and the print head moves into replace-
ment position, you are prompted to replace the print head/ink
10. After replacing the print head and closing the cover, the machine
resets and you return to the Home screen.
SV62214 Rev. A
10 • Maintenance
This page was put in as a placeholder only. This allows you to print this
entire guide in a duplex (double-sided) mode while keeping the proper
page positions.
SV62214 Rev. A
11 • Troubleshooting
Getting Help
There may be times when you need help to solve a problem, or you
may want more information about how your mailing system works.
Pitney Bowes provides several information resources. See page v for
our web and phone support information.
Before you contact us, please read the troubleshooting information
in this chapter. In many cases, it can help you resolve the problem.
Also, you can often restore normal operation by just turning Off and
On your system.
If you need to call, please have the following information at hand:
Model Identification: See page v.
Serial number: See the back of the system.
Nature of problem: What happens and when does it happen? Did
the machine display an error message?
The steps you've already taken to solve the problem and the
Messages on the LCD Display
From time to time your system will display an alert or error message.
An alert tells you that something needs attention; an error message
usually tells you about a system condition you can fix. In rare in-
stances you may have to call for service or assistance (see page v).
Blank Display
Power lamp is
not lit on the
No power coming
into machine
Check that:
• power cord is plugged into both
mailing machine base and wall
• power cord is not connected to a
switched wall outlet, power strip,
or surge protector
Power lamp is
yellow on the
Machine in sleep
Press any key to "awaken" it.
SV62214 Rev. A
11 • Troubleshooting
Display Problems (display hard to read)
The display contrast needs adjustment.
1. Press Options.
2. Select "Adjust the Contrast".
3. Select "Increase Contrast" or "Decrease Contrast" to change the
contrast level as necessary.
4. Press Home to return to the Home screen.
Feeding Problems (stalled envelopes)
1. Move transport release lever 1/4 turn to the right (clockwise) to
the "released" position (vertical).
2. Carefully pull envelope out from right.
3. Make sure deck is clear of paper fragments.
4. Move transport release lever 1/4 turn to the left (counter-clock-
wise) back to the "home" position (horizontal).
NOTE: To avoid stalled (jammed) envelopes:
Make sure your envelopes meet our published specific-
ations. See Chapter 1, Introduction.
Feed envelopes correctly. See the instructions in Chapter 3,
Running Mail. Don't try to feed oversize envelopes through
the machine. Use tape strips instead.
SV62214 Rev. A
11 • Troubleshooting
Printing Problems
Machine won't Machine is in seal-only This mode disables printing.
Press Home to return to Home
screen and resume printing.
Meter Stamp is Ink cartridge needs
Replace ink cartridge. See
the instructions in Chapter 10,
incomplete or
streaked; poor
print quality
Print nozzles clogged
Perform a print purge in an ef-
fort to fix the printing problem
(see procedure below)
Print Purge Procedure
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down twice.
3. Select "Advanced Features".
4. Select "Maintenance mode".
5. Select "Printer maintenance".
6. Select "Purge".
7. You have a choice of four purges to use. Normally selecting
"Purge A" is sufficient to purge the system, unless directed by a
Pitney Bowes agent to do otherwise.
◄Purge A
◄Purge B
◄Purge C
8. The system executes a purge. This may take a few moments.
When finished, you return to the Purge screen.
9. Press Clear (back arrow key) five times to return to the Home
NOTE: If printer maintenance fails to correct the problem, call
Pitney Bowes (see page v).
SV62214 Rev. A
11 • Troubleshooting
Moistening Problems (envelopes don't seal)
Incorrect feeding
Make sure you slide the envelope flap under
the blue edge of the feed deck. If you don't, the
moistener can't wet the flap.
Low sealant level
Check the sight glass on the left side of the
moistener tank. If the sealant level is low, add
E-Z Seal® solution until it reaches the bottom of
the fill hole. See the instructions in Chapter 10,
Dry moistener brush
Dirty moistener brush
Try wetting the moistener brush. If the brush drys
out quickly, replace the moistener wick as ex-
plained in Chapter 10, Maintenance.
Remove the moistener brush. Clean it in plain
water and rinse thoroughly (see Chapter 10,
Worn moistener brush Replace the moistener brush (see Chapter 10,
NOTE: See Chapter 12, Supplies and Options for part numbers for
replacement brushes and E-Z Seal® solution. See page v for con-
tact information.
SV62214 Rev. A
11 • Troubleshooting
Problems Connecting to the Data Center via Analog Line
Improper phone line • Make sure you've connected your meter to a dedi-
or phone line not
connected to meter
cated analog phone line (the same type you con-
nect your home phone to). If you are using a DSL
line, you should use a DSL filter obtained from
your DSL provider.
• Make sure the phone line connectors are firmly
seated in their receptacles.
• Try using the PC Meter Connect method to com-
municate with the Data Center if an internet PC
is available (see Chapter 6, Adding Postage/Con-
necting to the Data Center).
Incorrect setup of
system options
Go to the Chapter 7, System Options, and check
the following:
• Does your phone system require you to dial a
prefix number to get an outside phone line? Make
sure to include this in the setup if needed.
• Is the dial method correct? You have to tell the
machine if your phone uses a pulse or tone for
SV62214 Rev. A
11 • Troubleshooting
Problems Connecting to the Data Center via the PC
You cannot access from your PC using Internet
Contact your IT administrator for any special setup needed to enable
your PC and Internet Explorer to access the internet.
You can access using Internet Explorer but PC
Meter Connect software cannot detect the internet.
1. Right click on the PC Meter Connect™ tray icon and select "Inter-
net Settings...".
Right Click
on Tray Icon
2. At the Internet Settings configuration screen, do either of the following:
Solution A - Set your PC Meter Connect™ software to use the
same settings that Internet Explorer uses to connect to the inter-
net. Choose “Use Internet Explorer proxy settings” under Proxy
Address Assignment (see screen below) and click OK.
Use Internet Explorer
proxy settings
Internet Settings Screen in PC Meter Connect Software
SV62214 Rev. A
11 • Troubleshooting
Problems Connecting to the Data Center via the PC
You can access using Internet Explorer but PC
Meter Connect software cannot detect the internet (continued)
Solution B - Enter your own network's Proxy Address and Au-
thentication settings (if used). Contact your IT administrator for
these settings. Click "Manual proxy settings", and enter the proxy
settings and proxy authentication (if used) provided by your IT
administrator (see screen below). Click OK.
Use "Manual proxy
settings" (and "Proxy
Authentication", if
Internet Settings Screen in PC Meter Connect Software
SV62214 Rev. A
11 • Troubleshooting
Problems Refilling Postage via the PC
You can access using Internet Explorer but you
are having problems refilling postage into the meter (meter er-
rors may display)
1. Right click on the PC Meter Connect™ tray icon and select "Inter-
net Settings".
Right Click
on Tray Icon
2. At the Internet Settings configuration screen, choose "Non-Chun-
ked" for HTTP Transfer Encoding Method (see screen below)
and click OK.
Use "Non-Chunked"
for HTTP Transfer
Encoding Method
Internet Settings Screen in PC Meter Connect Software
SV62214 Rev. A
11 • Troubleshooting
Accidentally Printing the Wrong Postage
Once you have printed a meter stamp, the postage funds have been
“used up” by the machine, even if the printing is illegible. That’s why
it is so important to make sure the correct value is shown on the ma-
chine before inserting the mail piece or tape sheet, and that you do
not let the ink level get too low. We recommend you always keep a
spare ink cartridge on hand just for this reason.
If you would like a refund, you can go in person to the Post Office
where you meter is registered (i.e., the ZIP Code of your meter
stamp) within 60 days of the meter stamp date. You will need to bring
the specific meter stamps as proof for your claim (they must be leg-
ible) and complete form 3533 “Application and Voucher for Refund of
Postage, Fees, and Services”.
NOTE: If your aplication for refund is accepted, the USPS® will
refund 90% of the original meter stamp amount.
IMPORTANT: To help prevent you from accidentally printing a
postage value that's more than you need, you can have your meter
warn you when you manually key in a postage value that is higher
than the values you typically use. This setting is known as the high
value warning (see Chapter 7 - System Options to set this option).
The high warning value feature is effective when you manually key
in the postage value, but does not function if the internal rating
feature is used.
SV62214 Rev. A
11 • Troubleshooting
Viewing System Configuration Levels
Sometimes in an effort to fix your problem over the phone, a Pitney
Bowes agent may request you to look up the software and firmware
level that is on your machine. Follow these steps to do this:
1. Press Options.
2. Press Page Down twice.
3. Select "Advanced Features".
4. Select "Maintenance mode".
5. Select "View system info".
6. There are five screens of information available about your ma-
chine. Press Page Down to scroll through all the screens if
PM Ver:
PHS Ver:
LCD Ver:
PSD Ver:
RM Ver:
UIC Sum:
RM Sum:
7. Press Clear (back arrow key) four times to return to the Home
SV62214 Rev. A
12 • Supplies and Options
Ink Cartridge, Red Fluorescent
Moistener Brush/Wick Assembly
Double Tape Sheets—50
Double Tape Sheets—300
E-Z Seal® 4-Ounce Flip Top Bottles—4
E-Z Seal® 16-Ounce Bottles—4
Refer to Pitney Bowes Contact List on page v for web addresses and
phone numbers to order supplies.
Pitney Bowes offers a number of flexible options so you can tailor
your mailing system to meet your exact needs today, and expand it
as your business grows tomorrow. Contact your Pitney Bowes Sales
Representative for more information (see page v in the front of this
guide for web addresses and phone numbers).
Integrated Weighing Platform (Scale)
The weighing platform allows you to accurately weigh mail and pack-
ages. You can select from either a 5 lb. or a 10 lb. capacity scale.
See Chapter 3, Running Mail for details on using the weighing plat-
The moistener applies sealing fluid to the envelope flap. You can
seal envelopes or leave them unsealed, depending on how you feed
them. See Chapter 3, Running Mail for details.
Departmental Accounting
The accounting feature tracks postage costs for departmental ac-
counts. Depending on your model, you can order up to 50 accounts
for your machine. See Chapter 8, Departmental Accounting for details.
SV62214 Rev. A
12 • Supplies and Options
Electronic USPS® Confirmation Services
This option allows you to get discounted fees from USPS® for se-
lected services. See Pitney Bowes publication SV61156 for more
information on this feature. Visit our website (see page v) and enter
"SV61156" in the search box on the home page to locate and view this
Postal Inscriptions/Advertisements
Your system comes pre-loaded with several envelope ads and postal
inscriptions. These give your mail a professional appearance and
can turn your mailings into a powerful promotional tool. Pitney Bowes
can also provide additional envelope adds and inscriptions if your
needs require it, up to a total of 20 ads and 20 inscriptions.
Optional inscriptions and ads are convenient to add because they
are done as software downloads via the Pitney Bowes Data Center.
SV62214 Rev. A
Appendix A • How to Enter Text
When is Text Entry Used?
Text is entered for these functions:
International mail (selecting a country)
Entering Canada and UK Postal Codes
Naming a Custom Preset
Naming an Account in the Departmental Accounting feature
How is Text Entry Done?
Text entry is done via the numeric keypad in a fashion similar to cur-
rent cell phone text entry. Each key, 2 through 9, has three or four
letters displayed above it.
There is no dedicated key to switch between alpha and numeric
mode. On those screens (and only those screens) where either an
alpha or numeric character may be entered (e.g. preset names,
postal codes, account names), press a numeric key to cycle through
the 4 possibilities for that key. For example, pressing the “2” numeric
key cycles through "2" - "A" - "B" - "C". Extended character sets are
provided for foreign markets on a country-by-country basis. In those
cases, a numeric key may be pressed more than four times to cycle
through the complete character set associated with a key.
Postal Codes
In postal codes, all alpha characters are uppercase. For non-US
postal codes that follow a fixed format of alpha and numeric charac-
ters, only the appropriate alpha or numeric in each specific position
is allowed.
Custom Preset Names and Account Names
For Preset names, and Account names, the first letter of the first
word automatically defaults to uppercase.
If you wish to enter two consecutive alpha characters that are located
on the same numeric key (such as “DE”), you must wait for the cursor
to automatically move right to the second character’s position before
entering the second character. There is about a 1-second delay follow-
ing an alpha entry before the cursor moves one position to the right.
SV62214 Rev. A
Appendix A • How to Enter Text
Special Characters
Special characters are accessed by repeatedly pressing the “1” key.
Special characters include:
Dollar sign
Minus sign (dash)
Question mark
Forward slash
Back slash
Open parenthesis
Close parenthesis
Exclamation point
“At” sign
Plus sign
Number sign
Quotation mark
The zero (0) key on the keypad functions as the space key. The word
“Space” is printed on the machine to indicate this.
The decimal point key (.) functions as the Shift key. The word “Shift”
is printed on the machine to indicate this. This key toggles between
“all uppercase letters” and “all lowercase letters.” The current mode
is presented on line 4 of the display. ABC to indicate the uppercase
mode, or abc to indicate the lowercase mode.
SV62214 Rev. A
Appendix B • Glossary
Account—set up when using the Departmental Accounting option.
An account can be an organization, person, or department (e.g.,
“Sales”) to which postage is charged. You can assign a unique name
to each. The machine stores the total postage used and the number
of mail pieces processed for each account. The total number of ac-
counts available on your machine depends on the option purchased.
Advertisement, Envelope—An advertising message that appears
next to the machine's meter stamp. You can choose from an array of
standard and custom ads.
Analog Line–a "standard" phone line supplied by the phone com-
pany. You use an analog phone line when you connect to the Pitney
Bowes Data Center using your machine's modem. Analog phone
lines are usually Fax lines, residential phone lines, and lines used by
modems or credit card readers. See also Digital Line
Default—A value or setting the machine automatically uses unless
you change it. As delivered, your machine has factory-set defaults or
“normal” settings. You may change these if you wish.
Digital Line–a type of line used on digital phone systems (so called
PBX systems). Many PBX manufacturers have designed phone
systems that deliver much more current to the phone than does a
"standard" analog phone line supplied by the phone company. As a
result, if you connect your machine's modem to a PBX digital line,
thinking that it’s an analog line, you could damage your modem with
too much current and not even know it.
Home Screen—The machine display that shows your current selec-
tions. It indicates that you're ready to print postage.
Inspection—The process of examining the postage usage through
the machine to assure accurate postal funds accounting. Your ma-
chine is subject to remote inspection whenever you add postage to
it. If you haven't refilled your machine for 90 days, the display shows
the message “Inspection Due”. If you haven't refilled it for 120 days,
you'll see “Inspection Required.”
To do an inspection, simply add postage or connect to the Data Center.
IntelliLink —A Pitney Bowes technology that allows you to down-
load machine features, and postal rate and system software updates
via a digital link.
SV62214 Rev. A
Appendix B • Glossary
Lock Code—A four-digit code that can be set up which acts as a
password to gain access to the machine after it powers up or after it
is awakened from a sleep mode.
Meter Stamp—The imprint produced by the machine (machine
stamp or indicia). Depending on your settngs, it may include:
The indicia (includes the postage amount, date, ZIP code, etc.)
An advertisement, which is an optional part of the machine stamp
that lets you convey your own special message to the mail recipient.
Modem–a device on your machine for connecting to the Pitney
Bowes Data Center over a standard (analog) telephone line. This
modem should NOT be connected to a digital line (as is used on
most PBX systems in offices).
Origin Postal Code—The Postal Code assigned to your city or
town. Mail processed on your machine must be posted from a loca-
tion in your Postal Code area.
PC Meter Connect™–a small software application you install on your
PC to allow your meter to connect to the Pitney Bowes Data Center
through your PC’s Internet connection rather than over a standard
telephone line. Postage refills and system software updates can be
completed efficiently and much quicker via the Internet.
Postage-By-Phone —A service available through Pitney Bowes that
allows you to buy postage and check account status via a phone line
or the Internet. It also permits convenient postal inspection.
Presets—A custom machine setting you can call up instantly at the
push of a button. You can assign each preset a number of values,
depending on the postage mode you're in, how your machine is set
up and what options are installed. A preset will always have a name
and postage amount, and could also have an account, ad, class of
service, operating mode and other values assigned to it.
Serial Number—The serial number found on the rear of the machine.
Sleep Mode—An energy-saving feature of your machine that clears
the display after a certain period of idle time. Pressing any key wakes
up the display.
Supervisor Password—A four-digit code that can be set up to pro-
tect unauthorized users from changing accounts when using the De-
partmental Accounting feature.
Tape Sheets—A sheet of self-adhering paper which you print post-
age on and apply to a piece of mail or package that is too big to be
processed through the machine.
SV62214 Rev. A
Analog phone line
Establish communications to
data center viii
Auto-Advance of Printed Date
Setting 7-6
When Used 4-2
Auto-Advance of printed date
Auto-Rating, Turning On/Off 7-4
Clearing All Accounts 8-15
Clearing One Account 8-14
Creating 8-8
Data Stored for each Account
Deleting 8-16
Displaying Totals 8-12
Editing 8-9
Glossary Entry B-1
Selecting to Track Postage
Turning On/Off Passwords
Account Balance, checking 6-8
Accounting Feature
Data Stored for Each Account
Overview of Activating and
Setting Up Accounts 8-2
Turning Off 8-5
Basic Options 7-3
Batch Count
Checking/Viewing 3-9
Clearing 3-10
Description 3-9
Printing 3-10
Cartridge, Ink Replacing 10-15
Change Language 7-22
Selecting When Rating Mail
Setting Class Change Options
Setting Weight Change Op-
tions 7-13
Communications, Establishing
Between Your Machine
and the Data Center
Analog Phone Line 6-6
Overview 6-1
PC Meter Connect™ 6-5
Communications, establish with
data center
Turning On 8-4
Turning On/Off 7-4
Accounting Passwords
Turning On/Off 7-4
Adding funds (postage) to your
Postage By Phone® ac-
count 6-9
Advanced Options 7-20
Printing viii
Advertisement, Envelope
Downloading 4-6,6-2
Glossary Entry B-1
Printing 4-6
Alpha/Numeric Keypad 2-4
Analog Phone Line
Establish communications to
data center 6-6
Analog phone line viii
FCC ii
Contrast, Adjusting of LCD Dis-
paly 7-3
Glossary Entry B-1
SV62214 Rev. A
Control Panel
Description 2-4
Location of 2-2
Distributor Values, Setting 7-18
Documentation (Sources of
Information) 1-5
Custom Presets.See Presets
Downloads from the data center
to your machine
Envelope Ads/Postal Inscrip-
tions 6-2
Overview 6-2
Postal/ZIP Code Update 6-3
Postal Inspection 6-3
Postal Rate Update 6-4
Procedure 6-12
Data Center (Pitney Bowes)
Downloads from viii
Problems Connecting via the
PC xi
Data Center, Connection Set-
Changing 7-15
Data Center, Problems Connect-
via Analog Line 11-5
via the PC 11-6
System/Software Update 6-2
Upload Pending Electronic
USPS® Confirmation Ser-
vice Records 6-3
Drift (for Time), Correcting 7-7
Auto-advance of date viii,4-2
Manually changing printed date E-Z Seal®
Filling Moistener 10-4
Omitting viii
Omitting/Restoring on Meter
Stamp 4-4
Order Number 12-1
Enter/Yes Key 2-4
Printing viii
Setting Autodate Advance 7-6
Setting to Today's Date 7-3
Feeding Problems 11-2
Proper Feeding 3-3,3-4
Sealing Only 4-3
Omitting viii
Envelope Ad, Using and Down-
loading 4-6
Omitting/Restoring on Meter
Stamp 4-4
Daylight Savings
Setting 7-7
Feature Keys 2-4
Overview 1-2
Turning On /Off 7-4
Feed Deck 2-3
Feeding Problems 11-2
Firmware, Viewing Level of 11-
Glossary Entry B-1
Dial Prefix, Settings 7-16
Digital Line
Glossary Entry B-1
Display, Adjusting Contrast 7-3
Display Problems
Blank 11-1
Checking vii
Hard to read 11-2
SV62214 Rev. A
Low Funds Warning 7-8
Low Ink, Message 10-1
Funds (Postage)
Adding to Machine 6-9
Checking in Machine 3-1,6-7
Checking your Postage By
Phone® Account Balance
Messages on the LCD Display
Meter stamp
Manually changing printed
date viii
Report Printing 6-11
Setting Warnings 7-8
Withdrawing 7-22
Meter Stamp (see also "Print-
Figure showing sections of
Glossary B-1
Glossary Entry B-2
Manually changing printed
date 4-2
Meter Withdrawal
Procedure 7-23
Help, Getting 11-1
High Postage Warning 7-8
Home Screen
Description 3-1
Glossary Entry B-1
Receipt 7-23
Metric Weight, Viewing 7-12
Model Number v
Illustration, of mailing system
Glossary Entry B-2
Settings 7-17
Ink Cartridge
Messages Indicating Replace-
ment 10-1
Brush, Order Number 12-1
Description/Location 2-3
Filling 10-4
Maintaining 10-5
Problems (envelopes don't
seal) 11-4
Removing and Cleaning the
Moistener Brush 10-5
Removing and Cleaning the
Moistener Wick and
Holder 10-7
Order Number 12-1
Replacing 10-2
Ink Out, Message 10-1
Inspection, Postal
Glossary Entry B-1
Description 1-4
Glossary Entry B-1
Wick, Order Number 12-1
LCD Display 2-4
Lock/Power Key 2-4
Lock Code
No Key, Location of 2-4
Normal Preset. See Presets
Normal Preset Timer, Setting
Glossary Entry B-2
On the Home Screen 3-1
Setting 7-9
SV62214 Rev. A
Setting Options 7-16
Adding funds (postage) to your
Postage By Phone® ac-
count 6-1
Options (Machine Settings)
Advanced 7-2,7-20
Basic 7-1,7-3
Dial Prefix 7-16
Distributor Values 7-18
Modem 7-17
Adding to Machine 6-9
Applying 3-2
Checking Funds vii
Checking Funds in machine
Overview 7-1
Phone Connection Settings
How it is stored in your meter
Purchasable Features on Ma-
chine 12-1
Keying in from Home Screen
Minimum Amount for Adding to
machine 6-9
Printing a Funds (Postage)
Report 6-10
Printing a Receipt After Down-
loading 6-11
Scale 7-11
Setting Data Center Connec-
tion 7-15
Tone/Pulse 7-16
Origin Postal Code
Glossary Entry B-2
Overview, of book 1-1
Setting Funds Warning 7-8
Tracking by Selecting an Ac-
count 3-8
Page Up/Page Down 2-6
Withdrawing Funds 7-22
Account Balance, checking
Adding Funds to Account 6-1
Changing Phone Number 7-17
Glossary Entry B-2
Postal Class
On the Home Screen 3-1
Setting/Disabling Lock Code
Setting/Disabling Supervisor
Passwords, Accounting
Editing/Setting for Account 8-9
Turning Off Feature 8-7
Turning On Feature 8-6
PC Meter Connect™
Description 2-7
Setting a matching inscription
Postal Inscription
Downloading 4-5,6-2
Printing 4-5
Postal Rate Update, Download-
ing 6-12
Establishing Communications
to Data Center 6-5
Glossary Entry B-2
Requirements 1-5
Postal Requirements 1-3
Postal requirements for inspec-
tion 6-3
System Tray Icon Screen 2-8
Phone Jack, Analog Line 2-6
Phone Line, Analog Settings
Parameters 7-16
Power Key 2-4
SV62214 Rev. A
Power Receptacle 2-6
Omitting/Restoring Day or Date
on the Meter Stamp 4-4
Printing an Ad, Date, and Time
Only (no meter stamp)
Printing the Date and Time
Only (no meter stamp)
Custom, Defining New 5-6
Custom, Deleting 5-8
Custom, Description 5-5
Custom, Editing Preset Name
Custom, Selecting 5-5
Custom, Viewing 5-7
Glossary Entry B-2
Normal Preset - Defining New
Values 5-4
Printing Problems 11-3
Print Purge 10-14
Print Tests 10-12
Normal Preset - Description
Accidentally Printing the Wrong
Postage 11-9
Normal Preset - Viewing (and
Selecting) 5-3
Connecting to the Data Center
via Analog Line 11-5
Connecting to the Data Center
via the PC 11-6
Feeding 11-2
LCD Display 11-2
Moistening 11-4
What is a Preset 5-1
Why Should I Always Include a
USPS® “Class” 5-1
Why Should I Use Presets 5-1
Print Head
Purge 10-14
Printing 11-3
Replacing 10-8,10-15
Refilling Postage via the PC
Adding/Removing an Envelope
Ad to the Meter Stamp
with Display xi
Product Name v
Purge, Print Head 10-14
Adding/Removing a Postal
Inscription to Meter Stamp
Registration Wall 3-3
Adjusting Horizontal Print Posi- Reports
tion of Meter Stamp 4-9
Auto-Advance of Printed Date
Add Postage (Refill) 9-3
Configuration 9-7
Error 9-8
Bypass all Printing and Seal
the Envelope Only 4-3
Creating a $0.00 meter stamp
Date and Time viii
List of Options 4-1
Manually Changing Printed
Date 4-2
Funds (Register) 9-2
Multi-Account (Accounting
Feature) 8-13,9-4
Rates Summary 9-6
Single Account (Accounting
Feature) 8-13,9-4
Special Services 9-5
SV62214 Rev. A
PC Meter Connect™ 1-5
Postal, for Your Machine 1-3
Run Install Mode 7-24
Tape Sheets
Glossary Entry B-2
Order Number 12-1
Telephone, Safety 1-9
Test Print 10-13
Safety, Telephone 1-9
Safety Notes 1-8
Tests, Print Head 10-12
Text Entry
How to Enter A-1
Setting Options 7-11
Turning On/Off 7-12
Viewing Metric Weight 7-12
Zeroing 7-11
Screen Selection Keys, Location
of 2-4
Special Characters A-2
When it is used A-1
Correcting Drift 7-7
Part of printing with Date on
Meter Stamp 4-7,4-8
Printing viii
Serial Number
Glossary Entry B-2
Services, Special
Used during rating 3-4
Sleep Mode
Setting Daylight Savings 7-7
Timeouts, for Normal Preset to
Appear 7-5
Top Cover 2-2
Glossary Entry B-2
Setting 7-6
Software, Viewing Level of 11-
Transport Release Lever 2-3
Troubleshooting.See Problems
Accidentally printing the wrong
postage xi
Sources of Information 1-5
Special Characters, Text Entry
Problems Connecting to the
Data Center via the PC xi
Problems dialing out via analog
line xi
Equipment 1-6
Material 1-7
Stacker Tray 2-3
Storage Drawer (DM200L Only)
Supervisor Password
Glossary Entry B-2
Setting/Disabling 7-10
Supplies 12-1
United States Postal Service
Website v
USB Port 2-6
Utility Slot 2-3
Ordering v
System Configuration Levels
System Options (Machine Set-
tings) 7-1
High Value Postage 7-8
Ink Out 10-1
Low Funds 7-8
Low Ink 10-1
SV62214 Rev. A
Auto-rating with scale 3-5
Differential Weighing 3-6
Entering Weight Manually 3-4
Platform Description/Location
Setting Options 7-13
Wick/Brush Assembly, Order
Number 12-1
Yes/Enter Key 2-4
SV62214 Rev. A
This page was put in as a placeholder only. This allows you to print this
entire guide in a duplex (double-sided) mode while keeping the proper
page positions.
SV62214 Rev. A
1 Elmcroft Road
Stamford, Connecticut 06926-0700
For Service or Supplies
PB Form SV62214 Rev. A 09/08
© 2008 Pitney Bowes Inc.
All Rights Reserved
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